Nights Like These

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"Maddy, get ready I'm coming to pick you up" Louis giggled over the phone. It was late, almost 8:30, but it was the Summer so I didn't really mind although I was a bit tired. I got on some comfy clothes and waited on the porch. His car pulled up minutes after and I hopped to my feet and quickly made my way to the car. I got in on the passengers side and gently closed the door. "Buckle up" he smiled. I did as he commanded. We drove off. "So, where are you taking me?" I grinned at him, moving a strand of hair out of my face. "You'll see" he smiled. His eyes sparkled, like stars in the night sky, god they were beautiful. We drove for awhile, the ride was quiet, just as our night drives usually were, quiet and peaceful, just the way we liked them. We drove into the parking lot of the beach. Why were we here? I was confused but I went with it. We got out of the car and he took my hand. "Why are we here Lou?" I questioned him. He just shook his head and laughed "You'll see love". I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle. We walked across the beach, the [warm] water crashing over our [now bare] feet. He held my hand and just smiled, not saying a word. In the distance I saw a light, we were walking towards it. We we approached it a smile grew on my face. "Awww Louis" I looked at what he did and I now couldn't stop smiling. In front of us laid a few blankets, covered with snacks and a lantern along with a few pillows. I loved when he did little things like this for me: at the most random times. "I wanted to do something special so I decided we would come here and have some fun, just the two of us" he smiled, letting go of my hand. We sat down the blankets and began to munch on the snacks. We talked and we cuddled and we gazed at the stars, pointing out various constellations. After that we played a quick game of tag. I lost. Now, I was exhausted. We decided to head home. In the car I laid my head on the headrest, looked out the window, and closed my eyes. I dozed off...[Louis' P.O.V] God, she's precious! My girl is precious. Every now and then I would look over at her and smile. She was so peaceful, so quiet, so still, so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?? Just wow. I turned on the radio, quietly it played. We soon returned home. I didn't want to wake up Maddy so I got out of the car and walked over to the passengers side. I lifted her onto my back and carried her inside. I carried her upstairs and laid her on the bed. I covered her up then tossed off my shoes. I took off her shoes as well. I took off my sweatshirt and placed it on the nearby chair. I bent down over her and kissed her forehead. I whispered "I love you Maddy". Then, I crawled into bed after her. I cuddled myself into her and immediately she nuzzled her head on my chest. I looked down at her and smiled. Soon, I was fast asleep....[My P.O.V] I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of something burning. Oh god, Louis was at it again. This happened every time! I sighed and let out a slight chuckle. "Oh boy Louis" I laughed to myself. I got out of bed, stretched, and quickly brushed my hair. I rushed downstairs to the kitchen, in hopes he wouldn't set anything on fire. I walked into the kitchen to see Louis, struggling with making pancakes. "Louis, what are you doing!?!?" I hollered with a chuckle. He turned around and laughed. "Well, I was attempting to make you breakfast but—" Suddenly flames burst from the pan. "LOUIS!!!" I yelled. I ran and got the fire extinguisher. I put out the fire and gave Louis a death glare. "And this is why we let Harry do all the cooking" I laughed. Luckily mom and dad weren't home so they couldn't yell at us. "Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to be a nice boyfriend and make you breakfast this morning" he blushed. "Aw Louis, you're the nicest boyfriend ever. You didn't need to do this" I smiled and let out a chuckle. "Yes I did, I love you and I wanted to be the best boyfriend" he blushed. "Oh stop, you already are the best boyfriend" I playfully smacked his shoulder. "I know I'm the best" he laughed. "Don't give me your sass" I joked. "You haven't seen sass yet" he laughed. I rolled my eyes at his smart remark and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. "What do you want to do today??" Louis asked as I sat down on the couch. It was early morning, about 8:00am. "I think we spend the day at The Great Escape!" Louis insisted. My face lit up and I nodded. We rushed upstairs and got ready. I tossed on some cute comfy shorts; ripped jean shorts, a cute band t-shirt, a grey beanie, and my black converse. The weather was perfect, it wasn't cold and it wasn't hot, it was about 85 degrees. I packed up a little backpack with my bathing suit and towel, sunscreen, a hair brush, extra clothes, a book, and money. "You ready??" Louis chuckled as I made my way downstairs. He was waiting for the door. "Yeah, let's go!" I exclaimed. He took my hand and we walked to the car. We got in and drove off. We listened to the radio, talked, laughed, and I napped half the way there. We found a parking spot after about 10 minutes and then got out of the car. He took my hand and we walked to the entrance. Now, we stood in the front of the park. "What ride do you want to ride first?? He smirked at me. I hesitated and looked around. I looked toward the Boomerang. "Follow me!" I exclaimed as I pulled him toward the ride. "Are to sure you're tall enough to ride this?" He joked. He always joked with me about my height, even though I was only like 2 inches shorter than me. "Shut up" I rolled my eyes. "Shorty" he laughed. We got in line...We stepped into the cart and the bars lowered. "You ready?" I looked at Louis and laughed. "Yeah, I'm so ready" he lied. I could tell he was scared. We went up the hill, I put my hands up. Up and up and up we went. We bolted down the hill and we both screamed, I started laughing. After the ride we got off and walked over to the photo booth to look at our picture. "Oh my god, my face!" Louis laughed. "You totally weren't scared at all" I joked. Just to be funny I laughed at the man "Can I get this on a t-shirt? Or a billboard?". The man laughed but Louis didn't. Louis grabbed my hand and dragged me away. "Oh come on, you have to admit that was funny" I smiled. I gave him a look and soon enough he broke out with a smile. "There's that smile" I chuckled. We rode rides, ate, played games, went to the water park, took silly/cute pictures, made funny videos, and just had fun the rest of the day. Soon the park had closed and we were walking to the car. As we got into the car Louis chuckled. I put on my buckle, he did the same. He looked at me and smiled "Did you have fun?". I smiled in reply "Uh yeah". We drove home and it was quiet. I was exhausted, I just wanted to sleep. "Maddy?" I got up from my doze, "Hm?" He smiled at me "I love you. You know that right?" I let out a chuckle "How could I forget? You tell me everyday". We both smiled "Maddy, I tell you everyday because I don't want you to forget it". I chucked "I won't ever forget it Lou. I love you so much". I dozed off again...All I could remember from that night was Louis carrying me inside and lying me down in bed. I felt him kiss my forehead and whisper "I love you" as he did every night.

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