The Perfect Pair

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[Louis' P.O.V] "Louis, stop staring" Zayn laughed at me. I couldn't help to not stare at her, she was beautiful. I wanted to just walk up to her and tell her I loved her but I couldn't, I was too scared. I've loved her ever since I met her. She's been my best friend since Kindergarten but I wanted to be more than just best friends. She probably liked some other guy anyway. "I can't help it" I blushed. Harry chuckled "Aww, Louis' in love". I rolled my eyes "Shut up Harry". Niall spoke up "Louis, if you don't go talk to her someone else is gonna get her and then you're gonna wish you'd said something. Maybe she likes you too? Go talk to her". I nodded my head, he was right. She sat with her friend on the bleachers [outside] and god she was beautiful. Her smile, her hair, her laugh, her eyes. I wanted her to be mine! I knew I had to make a move. I took a deep breath and made my way over to her. "Hey Maddy...Can I talk to you?? Privately..." I blushed. She looked at her friend and shooed her away. I sat down next to her and she smiled at me "Sure. What's up?" I took another deep breath and spoke again "I need to tell you something" Before I could say a word the bell rang and she got up. "Sorry Lou, we'll talk later" she ran to catch up with her friend. "Ugh, stupid hell" I said to myself. I tried to talk to her throughout the day but that dumb bell messed it up. Either the bell, one of her friends, a teacher. It got me so mad! School ended and before I could catch up with her to talk she was gone. I went home and stayed in my room for most of the night, just thinking of a way to get her. [My P.O.V] "He's acting different Ally" I said as I made myself a cup of tea. She chuckled "Honestly Maddy, I think he likes you". I snickered "Yeah no. I've known him forever, he doesn't like ME". She rolled her eyes at me. I had my eyes on someone else though. His name was Aaron, Aaron Samuels [Mean Girls]. He was in my calculus class. Man, he was so cute! Ally turned on the tv and sat down. The day passed and soon we were stuck in school yet again, luckily it was Friday and it happened to be the night of a dance. Ally and I were going for sure! Aaron agreed to meet up with me there, so, I was excited. I got out of the car and fixed my hair before we walked inside. Man, it was crowded! I had to wear something fancyish so I wore: Ripped jeans, a cute t-shirt with a vest, some nerd glasses, a beanie, my converse shoes, some band bracelets, and I kept my hair down. I looked so cute! I found Aaron at the snack bar and walked up to him. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around "Hey". He smiled at me "You look cute". I blushed "Aww thanks". He bought me a snack and we sat down and talked for awhile. "Wanna dance??" He offered, a sparkle in his eye. "Sure" I smiled. He took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. It wasn't a slow song kind of dance. All the music was honest and groovy. We danced to the Cupid Shuffle, The YMCA song, CottonEyed Joe..It was fun. [Louis' P.O.V] He took her. He took my girl. I couldn't watch anymore. It hurt too much. I wish she knew how much I loved her. I sighed...I sat alone at a booth, ignoring everyone. It wasn't fun seeing her with some other guy. [My P.O.V] He caught my eye. Louis caught my eye. He was sitting all alone, he looked he looked broken. I knew something was up. I've known this guy since Kindergarten, we were pretty close. "I'll be right back Aaron" I sighed as I made my way over to Louis. "Hey..You okay??" I sat down next to him and smiled. His face was red, with sadness I assumed. "Not really" he looked at the ground. "Wanna tell me what's wrong??" I scooted closer to him. "Well, there's this girl. I wanna tell her how I feel but I'm afraid she won't feel the same way. We've been friends for awhile and I wanna be more than friends....I love her". Wow, this was surprise. Louis hasn't ever really liked someone, not this much to look this hurt. I sighed and looked him in the eyes. His eyes sparkled...Honestly, he was pretty cute. "Well...If you love her then you should tell her. Just start a conversation with her and blurt it out. Then tell her how you feel. That's what I'd do...." I got up with a smile. As I was about to walk away Louis spoke up, "I just did". I turned around and looked at him. "Wait....What??" I was shocked. He loved me? Wait, what?!??! What did I miss??? He stood up and looked me in the eyes. "Yeah...That girl is you. I love you Maddy...I want you to be my girlfriend clearly like someone else" he sighed and walked away, upset I could tell. I was going to say something but he was far away enough so he couldn't hear me. "Aww" I said to myself. I sighed...He looked so upset, it broke my heart really. I hated seeing him like this. I knew something was up with him....Ally and I drove home and I didn't say a word since we got home. "Maddy..Are you okay?" Ally sat down next to me on the couch. "Not really...Something happened at the dance and....I don't know...." I sniffled, trying not to cry. Ally scooted closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "What happened Mads?" I sighed and looked at her. "Louis told me he loves me and he wants me to be his girlfriend...." Her eyes shot up. "Oh my god Maddy! What did you say??" I sighed again "Nothing. He walked away before I could say anything..." I got up and walked to the kitchen. "He looked heartbroken and it just hurt me to see him like that..." I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and sat down. "'Maddy..I told you he likes you. But, you gotta tell him how you feel. Do you love him too or do you love Aaron more???" She gave me a look. She knew I loved Louis more...."I-I love Louis...." She butted in before I could keep talking "Then tell him! Maddy, you can't not tell him you love him too. You have to. I know you love him.....So, talk to him". She was right. I did love him, she could always tell, that's why she was my best friend. [Few days later] I decided to stop by Louis' house and talk to him. I walked to the door and knocked. His mom answered. "Hi sweetheart. Looking for Lou?" She chuckled. I nodded "I gotta talk to him. Is he home?" She smiled "Yeah, he's in his room. Go ahead up love". I thanked her and walked up to his room. I quietly opened the door and peeked in so he couldn't see me. He held in his hand a picture frame and he was smiling. I walked in more, quietly. I walked up beside him. He held a picture of us together at a school field strip to Six Flags. He had his arm around me and we had the biggest smiles on our faces. It was cute. He kept it. I did too...I had it on my nightstand next to my bed and I'd look at it every now and then, remembering the good time we had there together. "Aww, you kept it" I smiled at him. He turned to me and smiled. "Yeah, it's my favorite one...We were so happy" he blushed a little. "Louis? I need to tell you something..." He looked at me...His eyes sparkled, god they were beautiful. I couldn't resist it anymore. I put my hand on his shoulder and crashed my lips to his. Seconds later I pulled away "I love you too and yes I'll be your girlfriend".  A smile grew on his face, as if he were a little kid on Christmas. He wrapped me up in a hug and I could feel him smile against me...We spent everyday together from then on out. He was the best, most sweetest, most funniest, most caring, most loyal, most thoughtful, most craziest, most loving boyfriend ever! I was so glad I had decided that I loved him too....We've been together for a year now....Louis posted a picture of us on his Instagram, tagging me and commenting: 1 year !! That's fucking crazy. Love you sweetheart ❤️// I liked it and commented: I love youuu !!!! Happy 1 year BooBear ❤️// Life was perfect, life was amazing. I didn't want it any other way....It was the night of the talent show. Louis was going to be singing something, but he didn't tell me what. I met him at school and found a seat in the front row, next to Ally and Harry...."I wrote this song for my best friend. It means a lot to me and I wrote it because I want her to know how much I really love her...Maddy this is for you". I smiled and everyone clapped. He started....His voice was amazing...He had such an angelic voice. It was beautiful. His words brought tears to my eyes, happy tears of course. At the end of the song I ran up onstage and hugged him. "I love you" I whispered. He held me tight against him "I love you too Maddy". I couldn't ask for a better best friend...."You two are so cute" Niall laughed as I cuddled myself into Louis. "Thanks" Louis smiled, putting his arm around me. I smiled and nuzzled my head on his shoulder. Everyone told us we were the perfect pair and I intended to believe that that was true.

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