Those Three Little Words

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[Jace's P.O.V] "It's not fair Sean. He took my best friend away from me" I sighed depressingly into the phone. "Bro, I know how you feel. Just talk to her about it" he replied. We talked for awhile before he had to go. He was right, I had to talk to her about it...[My. P.O.V] "You almost ready??" Louis hollered at me from the doorway. "Yes! Be right down!!" I yelled as I rushed myself. I grabbed my phone and placed it in my back pocket then scurried down the stairs. I grabbed Louis' hand and off we went. We were walking to the ice cream parlor; laughing, talking, swinging our arms back and forth. We ordered our cones then sat down in the cool room and ate our cones. We talked and laughed, laughed and talked. Everything was great..We finished our cones then headed out. Louis, his hand in mine, kissed my cheek randomly. I just smiled at him and shook my head "You're cute". He replied with a smirk "Not as cute as you". Lie. As we walked the streets I saw him. Jace. He looked heartbroken. [Jace and I haven't talked or hung out ever since Louis and I got together and to be honest...I missed him. I missed my best friend. There's nothing I could do about it though, I was happy with Louis] We walked past him and my arm brushed against his. I turned my head to look at him and he faintly smiled at me. I mouthed to him "I'm sorry". [Later that day] Louis and I sat on the couch, just talking, when suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID...Jace. I decided to answer it, I didn't care anymore. "Hey. What's up?" I sighed into the phone. "Come over, I need to talk to you" he replied then hung up. I smiled and then got up from the couch. "Where are you going??" Louis hollered at me. "To a friends house" I replied. "Whose?!" He hollered again. "That's my business, not yours" I sighed. I grabbed the doorknob and went to open the door but Louis grabbed my wrist and I turned around. "You aren't going to see him Mady, I don't want you near him" he looked me in the eyes. "Louis, let go" I pulled his hand off of my wrist and gave him a look. "Louis, I can do what I want, I can hangout with whoever I want, you aren't my boss" I said sternly but strongly. "I'm your boyfriend and you listen to me" he got closer to me, pushing me against the door. "No. I listen to myself. You aren't my boss. If you're gonna be like this...We're done" I tried to get away. Suddenly he raised his hand, leaving the other next to my face so I couldn't move, and before I knew what was happening, he slapped me. Tears streamed down my face. He's never hit me before, never. I ran out of the house and didn't look back. I knew where I had to go. I ran to Jace's house. I knocked hard on the door. Seconds later it opened, a very smiley Jace. His smile faded when he saw me. He didn't ask what happened. Instead, he closed the door then opened his arms and said "C'mere". I walked into his arms and he held me. He rubbed my back and soothingly whispered "It's okay, I'm right here". After a few minutes of standing and crying I stopped and pulled away. We walked inside and sat down on the couch. We talked about what had happened. "Mady, let me tell you something" he looked me in the eyes. "You shouldn't have just let it go. You shouldn't have let him hit you and get away with it. I'm not saying you should've hit him back, I'm saying you should've done SOMETHING". I listened to every word. I wanted to cry again but I didn't. He hugged me again and kissed my forehead. "I love you Maddy" He smiled at me. I smiled back. We looked into each other's eyes and just smiled. He moved the hair in my face behind my ear then caressed my cheek with his finger. His eyes twinkled as though they were stars. Suddenly, he gently pressed his lips to mine. Our lips glided in sink, perfectly together. After the kiss we pulled and smiled. "I love you too" I blushed at him. After that, after those three little words, everything felt right. Everything felt perfect. Everything WAS perfect. 

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