Chapter 21

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Chapter 21.

We started by making our den, putting blankets from the sofa to the telly and rested heavy books upon it to keep it in place. We then made doors and entrances by pegging blankets to the roof. Inside the den we put loads of sheets blankets and pillows to make it extra cozy then added our duvets. Voila! A perfect den for two.

Jaydene pulled her suitcase under and pulled out bags of chocolate and sweets. We giggled at how much food we had and put on a DVD. We watched a chick flick and ooed and awed everytime someone kissed! We were such girls!

I paused the telly and pulled jaydene from under the den and went to the kitchen.

"Shall we make hot chocolates and nachos with melted cheese?" I suggested, my belly rumbling from the thought of it.

"Weird combination Jamie?!" She said.

"Who cares?!!!!!" I yelled.

"Alright then! Do it!" She yelled back at me.

I pulled out the bag of nachos from the cupboard and jaydene got the cheese from the fridge. We worked together making Lush warm nachos to fill our hungry bellies. The warm smell of nachos filled the kitchen, the aroma spreading through the house.

"Mmmm that smells delicious" jaydene said taking a big sniff of the air.

"It sure does" I replied taking the nachos out of the oven. I got my iPhone from my pocket and quickly instagramed a photo of the nachos and jaydene. Getting a like instantly just as I put it on.

We went back to our super cozy den and put the bowl of nachos on our laps whilst starting the film from where we left it. We had stayed up for ages, taking girly photos of us posing and pulling funny faces whilst eating all the food we had, but when we thought we had finished we realised we still had more to eat. We had eaten so much already but it was so tasty we couldn't stop.

It was 1:30am and we still weren't tired. it startled us when there was a knock on the door.

"Who on earth would be wanting to see me at this time in the morning?!" I said really confused at who did want to see me.

Jaydene looked at me blankly.

"Stay here" I said, clambering out of the den to answer the door. As I opened the door, whoever was standing on the other side had pushed it against me knocking me back. It was harry. What? He pushed me against the wall and pressed his body firmly against mine. I couldn't resist. He kissed me firmly and passionately. His mouth tasted of mint. it was as if he had brushed his teeth before he had come because he was planning to do this. did he really like me or did jaydene not give him enough? He urged for me to follow, I wanted to but I couldn't because I still loved Louis way more than I could ever love harry. I'd never really been in a proper relationship and it made me kiss him back. I couldn't stop. I had to stop. I pushed back and he looked confused and pressed me harder against the wall. Then he saw jaydene stood in the doorway. She was holding back her tears.

"Harry?" She said almost crying.

"J...j..jaydene, what it's not what it looks like erm she kissed me first" he said nervously.

"Oi harry!" I said butting in "you came onto ME" I shouted spitting in his face.

"How long has this been going on Jamie" she stammered.

I stood there ashamed of myself. I knew I had done nothing wrong but the thought of telling her harry was the father of my baby tore at my heart. I knew she loved him, she told me all the time and everytime I heard her say that it threw me. I just wanted to tell her what was going on. Harry had always been so sweet to me and to jaydene. Did he think he could have both of us?

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