Fight for who you love

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Chapter 6. Alone again

My sister had been with me for a week now and she had to go. She had only come for 7 days anyway but I was sad that she had to leave me. Once she had left I was alone again.

I hadn't been outside for almost a week now ( 6 days ). I hadn't see Louis or his girlfriend not even niall. I didn't have the guts to tell my best friend that I punched his best friend and attacked louis' girlfriend.

I had forgotten all about my phone and it was still in the hands of Emily. I don't know how I have managed to live without my phone these past days but it probably did me the world of good.

The home phone rang and I rushed downstairs, still in my pj's, to see who it was. It was niall.

"Boy am I glad to hear your voice, I haven't seen you for a week" I answered cheerfully as I heard him speak.

"What's wrong with you Jamie?" Niall asked.

"Wrong with me? Nothing" I said confused to what he was proposing.

"You know why Jamie, I cant believe you, i knew you liked Louis but I didn't realise you'd go that far" Niall said to me angrily.

"It was an accident" I said, hurt in my voice.

"So it was an accident you punched Louis and attacked his girlfriend?" Niall asked even more anger shot from his throat as I heard him spit from the other end.

"Honestly I didn't mean to. Emily set me off." I replied almost in tears again.

"You need to sort yourself out" Niall shouted at me. He hung up. I'd just lost my best friend because of a boy I liked and i thought I was alone when my sister left but now I felt real abandonment. Just like my childhood.


I was sat on the floor playing with my dolls when my mum came in crying. She sat next to my grandma and she hugged her, squeezing her tight. My mum had a suitcase in one hand and her handbag in the other. She often went on business trips so I was used to seeing her with a suitcase but not this time. This time she was leaving. She wouldn't tell me why so I ran to grandma and hugged her, squeezing her tight just like my mummy did.

I waited my my mum for months and months on end. I sat by the door awaiting her arrival but she never came. Then one day I found my grandma, who had been looking after me since my mum went away, on the kitchen floor. She died an old woman and I was abandoned, living alone in the house for a month or too till social services found me. They took me into a care home where I found my sister. She had been taken there by my mum before I was born because she couldn't look after two young children.


And here's me going through it all again.

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