Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Yesterday didn't go down too well. That wasn't meant to happen, I was just upset and angry but it did and now I'm stuck in a situation hard to get out of.


I awoke the morning extremely depressed. Again I was by Harry's side but nothing happened it was just because I didn't want to go home. Since I'm all alone I never want to go home and I tell harry all the time. Speaking of harry he didn't say a thing to me all morning. I wondered why. He walked to over to his wardrobe and began getting dressed. Yes he changed his boxers and everything in front of me!

"What's wrong, you haven't said a thing all morning" I said puzzled.

"Nothing" he mumbled.

"No what's really the matter" I a asked.

"Well it's just that when Emily and Louis were together they spent all their time with each other. Since they broke up me and Louis got really close again and I was starting to get used to it. Now they're back together again and and...." He trailed off.

I didn't know what to say because I kind of felt the same way.

"But now I have you" he said unexpectedly giving me a lovely smile. I felt bad but I was doing it for me and Louis so that made me feel better. I agreed.

"Yea we do" I gave a fake smile back.

I got up whilst harry sat on the bed again. I too got changed and harry just sat there grinning at me.

I could hear little squeals coming from Emily and Louis' room. Emily was getting excited because it was their one day anniversary (which I overheard her earlier) which is ridiculous. I also heard that Louis was going to take barbie to a special restaurant this evening. Ohh how lovely. That was pathetic if it was trying to make me jealous. Then I thought of our war and something clicked, something mean though. Something that would make louis really jealous.......

I'll move in with harry. It's a not so bad idea as I won't be alone anymore and ill be living alongside Louis.


Hey guys! I haven't spoken like this before but sorry it's a really short chapter couldn't think of anything to fill it in with!

Vote, comment and keep reading!!!!!!!

Love Katie xxxx

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