Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

"So your telling me that thing inside your tummy is mine?" Harry said so shocked his eyes almost popped out.

"That Thing is our baby" I said annoyed with what he had just said.

He looked away. After hearing that he couldn't look me in the eye. He was just as scared about it as I was and I could see right through him. He was thinking the same thing as me: how would we tell everyone? That scared me the most.

"Louis is back!" He yelled nervously scrambling off the bed unsure what to do with himself. "Hide!"

"Hide? You expect me to hide? Where?" I asked shocked at what he was proposing.

"Under the bed!" She shouted. He looked so nervous and I felt sorry for him.

I scrambled under the bed on my back cautiously, trying not to squish my tummy. I heard the door open then close again. It felt like I was in a spy film. I wasn't really meant to be in here and I was searching for clues. My imagination ran away with itself as I didn't hear Louis walk in Harry's room. My heart got faster.

"You alright harry?" Louis said entering the room.

"Yea..yea" he muttered nervously.

"Is something wrong?" He asked curious to why harry was behaving suspiciously.


My phone buzzed into life in my pocket.

"What was that?" Louis asked.

"Nothing! Just my phone" harry said quickly.

"Your phones over there and the noise came from under the bed." Louis replied even more curious than before. He knelt down and peered under the bed. He stared straight at me. I stared back smiling innocently.

"What on earth are you doing here?! And why are you under Harry's bed?!" Louis yelled.

"I..I was j..ust checking for.... Dust harry asked me to clean his room" I stuttered trying to think of an excuse.

"We have a maid" Louis said, sounding like he was stuck up his own bum.

"I don't know what to say" I said.

"Neither do I" Louis whispered, his eyes dropping and his frown turned to a sad face.

"We weren't.. If that's what you were thinking" I said.

"If you say so" Louis said sadly. "Please leave."

I've heard that come from Louis a few times before and I hated it. He was upset and so was I. I had so many things on my mind and that just added to the list.

As I left Louis' house I walked home daydreaming. Daydreaming about my life changing by a baby arriving. I noticed that ever since I found out I was pregnant my tummy had become firmer meaning a bump will appear soon. Which meant I had to tell people soon.

Emily drove past in her car and shouted,

"You've put on a bit of weight, having trouble at home are we?!"

"I'm pregnant!" I shouted back not actually realising I had told her. Shit. I wasn't meant to tell her! What would I do now? She might think its Louis'. I am such a idiot that I told my enemy I was pregnant before my best friend. This was not how I had planned on telling people.

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