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I was casually sitting on the couch watching TV while Marco was busy doing something somewhere, when suddenly the doorbell rang.
Before I could think of getting up, Marco came dashing down the stairs. "Hey marco, why the hurry?" I asked with a smile. "It's jackie! She needs help with math! She asked ME!" Marco shouts as he swiftly moves to open the door.
Jackie... Jackie Lynn dumbface Thomas...
Of all the people it could be...
It had to be HER!
I smiled sweetly and went back to my room. Don't want to be the third wheel now do I? I heard Marco open the door and invite Jackie inside. "Nice place you got here." She said and I could only imagine the look on her face. "Uh thanks Jackie!" I heard Marco say nervously. Silence. "STAR?!" Marco called from downstairs. "Yeah?!" I replied. "Come say hello to jackie!" He ordered me.
I got off of my bed and went downstairs. Jackie just hugged me and smiled happily. Of course I smiled back but secretly I couldn't wait to rub her face down a cheese grater.

Marco promised me we would do something today... But nooooo JACKIE JACKIE JACKIE...
Marco invited me to join the lesson. I couldn't refuse.
I sat down trying to create some distance between myself and Jackie but to no avail. She just kept moving closer to me...
"Uh, Marco, im just going to the bathroom quickly okay, carry on." I said and dashed out of the room.

Marco's POV

I couldn't believe Jackie actually showed up! I can't believe I'm helping her with maths! She smells so good! I go crazy whenever she touches me. "Thank you so much for helping me Marco, I really appreciate it!" Jackie said out of the blue. "Uh... its uh.. you're welcome!" I aid trying not to stutter. I was blushing redder than a tomato!
"So uh Jackie... do you want to hang out afterwards? Like just for a few hours?" I asked nervously. She checked her watch. "I guess I could stay a little while." She said and shrugged. I smiled proudly. I'm actually talking to a girl!

Stars POV

After staying away for a little while, I decided to go back downstairs. They MUST be done by now...
I got at the bottom of the stairs and what I saw, will never be unseen... Jackie Lynn Thomas... sitting on MY side of the couch... playing MY favourite video game with MY favourite friend... who does she think she is?
I walked a bit closer. "Hey guys what are we playing?" I said and sat on the couch in between the two. Jackie looked over at me. "Marco says you love this game, you must be good." She said and looked back at the tv screen. "Yeah, it's actually my favourite game... I guess I'm good at it.." I said with a smug smile. "Great! Do you wanna play the next round?" She asked nicely. "Yeah.. sure..." I said and leaned back.
Why is she so nice to me? Ugh I bet it's because Marco is here... when he isn't around she's a total meanie!

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