Saying goodbye

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Star's POV

I was broken. I am honest.
There i go, a fourteen and a half year old girl, alone in the streets at who knows what time.

The only thought in my head was Marco.
How could i even fall in love with him?
He never loved me...
Even if he said it.

I accepted that not everyone could like me.
But... the feeling with Marco was different.
He was the only one who truly understood me...
The only one who wanted anythind to do with me.

I cant go back home because my dad would kill me if i didnt bring the promised next king...

I didnt know what to do.
Do i go back home? No.
Do i go back to the Diaz family? No.
I had nowhere to go...

Next to me i heard a thud.
I looked to my right and a pair of yellowish green glowing eyes met mine. Whoever... or whatever it was... had a raspy voice.
"Hello young lady... whatsssss a fine young dame doing outssssside ssssso late all alone?" I felt a cold tentacle slip around my back. "W-who are you?" I managed to get out and started reaching for my wand. "Dont you remember me Ssssstar?" It said and grippes both of my hands with its slimy tentacles. "L-let me go!" I shouted out. "Who'ssssss gonna sssssstop me?" It said and tightened its grip on my arms. "M-marco!!" I called out to no avail. "Your precioussssss little boyfriend wont sssssave you now... my bussssinesssss partner hasssss him tied around her finger!" I felt my blood run cold.

After another 10 minutes of my stubbornness, it started getting annoyed.
"Ssssstar! If you dont ssssshut up sssssoon... i-i will kill you!" It said and raised a blade to my neck. "I am nto scared of you." I said proudly.
I wasnt scared. At all. "Sssssay your prayersssssss..." it said and i felt the cold blade press into my neck.

It was getting darker.
I was a fool.
My last thoughts were filled with Marco.
My parents...
Every fun moment i had...

My body was limp... the colours around me faded to a black colour.
I managed to spit out some blood as i felt the blood running out of my throat.
This is it... the end...
All i can say... is that... i am glad... everyone is happy.

They never needed me...
They never wanted me...
I was and always will be...
Stupid Star.

I felt the last bit of air from my lungs and i closed my eyes for the final time.
Everything was calm.
I felt no pain.
I forgot about the heartache.
I was finally free.

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