Let there be blood.

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Star's POV

The time has come and its us versus T.H.E.M.

I put on my big chestplate and i fastened it with a quick blast of my wand, after that I put on my outer armor, my leg-pieces, and my helmet with spikes bigger than my hands.

I looked intimidating. I looked... Like a warrior.

I walked down the halls, my steps bouncing off the walls and welling in my ears.

I was about to engage in war.

A war with creatures I have never even seen.

I was terrified to say the least, so I walked to Marco's room one last time. I knocked on the door and he opened it, he jumped back when he saw me.

"Hello Marco..." I said quietly. "S-star?" He held my cheeks. "You look... dangerous..." I blushed and took his hands. "Marco I am terrified... What if I dont make it?" His eyes flashed. "Star dont think like that!" He teared up. "Marco I-" He pressed his finger to my lips. "You are Star Butterfly and you will definitely make it! You've battled things greater than whoever these hobos are! Everyone is counting on you Star!"

His words reached a part of myself that was deeper than the black holes in space and I straightened my back. "You know what? You're right! I'm Star Butterfly and I can't possibly be taken down! Thanks Marco! Watch out monster dweebs! Princess Star Butterfly is on the loose!" I saw Marco's eyes fill with hope. I knew who I was doing it for.

Suddenly there was a loud BANG! and I knew the time had arrived. "Marco... Stay safe ok? If you see a monster please don't intimidate him... Don't come out of your hiding spot and please... Don't worry about me..." I squeezed his hand and ran out the doors to the main entrance.

I saw our army already in battle, there were monsters of every kind and machines were being fired. The ground shook and there were screams  of pain and screams of fear. The roaring and booming of the machines and tanks were making my ears hollow. The warnicorns and the cyclopses were everywhere. The smell of blood and gore was already on us and I raised my wand in hopes of not getting killed.

"I am Star Butterfly." I whispered to myself. "I. Am. Star. Butterfly." I ran into the crowd of monsters and I have it my all... Monsters were flying left right and centre and before I knew what hit me, I got backup from a troop who came from the south.

I raised my voice to signal my troop. "Hey boys! Let there be blood!"

A/N :
Hellooo everyone! I really hope you enjoy my story so far! Thank you for all the reads, likes, and comments! I love reading your feedback and I am open to suggestions! Is there hope for Mewni? What do you think will happen? :)
All the love - The author

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