We are home

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Star's POV

I closed the portal and sat Marco down on a chair in the hallway. "MOOOOOOOOM" I yelled in a sing-song voice. "DAAAAAAD"

I heard a loud sigh. "Your highnesses, Princess Star is home and wishes to see you."
I ran to them and hugged them. "HIIII! Can we stay here till we are safe? Yay! Thank you!" I ran back to Marco and carried him up to my old room.

I overheard my mom say to my dad that I should not stay for long because i always ruin everything.

I wasn't bothered in the slightest. All i could think of was keeping my Marco safe. And also myself. I looked at his resting face and stroked it. "Youre such a pretty young boy." I said and kissed his cheek. His eyes opened. "Good morning, handsome, we are in Mewni."

Marco's POV

"MEWNI?! STAR ARE YOU COMPLETELY INSANE NOW?!" I snapped and chewed my nails. "WHAT WILL MY PARENTS THINK?!" It felt like something inside of me just died. I was totally dumbfounded. "STAAAAAAR YOU JUST CAUSED MORE PROBLEMS!" I yelled and started to tug my hair. She told me not to overreact. Good one, princess of destruction.

Star's POV

Marco didn't seem to like Mewni so much. He just complained the whole time.

Oh silly safety kid. If only you knew what you were in for.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him to make him shut up. It worked. We kissed for a while and he pulled back. "So... uhm.. why are we here?" He wanted to know.

"Well, there was some drama on Earth and we had to come here to be safe.

"But my parents!"
"They're fine. The guards informed them. "

He calmed a bit down.

Scene of King Butterfly

"I am sure Star knows about the curse. Why else would she be here?" He paced the room and looked up at his many paintings.
"Star is being persecuted. She needs protection. She brought her friend with because he is also being targetted."

"This must be stopped before someone gets seriously hurt."

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