Chill Day

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Star's POV

I sat on the couch and daydreamed about puppies eating ice cream.
"Star." Marco snapped me out of it. "Wazzup?" I said trying to act cool. "For the third time, breakfast is ready..." he said in a surprisingly calm voice. I got up and went to the table. I don't get why we always have to eat together... its just awkward...

I ate my food in silence and caught Marco staring at me a few times. I've been getting uncomfortable in his presence ever since his date with Jackie... she's changing him and I don't like it. For about three minutes of staring at each other, I decided to get up. "Thank you, Marco, breakfast was delicious." I said and excused myself. He smiled and continued to eat his food.

Marco's POV

Star is making everything awkward... I try to spend time with her but she's acting weird... I don't know what's up with her! Maybe she's still mad at me... I've gotta make it up to her!

Star's POV

I cleaned my plate and went to my room. Is this what depression feels like?
I got a book and started reading. Marco recommended this book... Marco... dear sweet Marco... I wish I could help him. But he's happy. Two hours passed without me knowing and I heard knocking on my door I got up and opened the door and there Marco was. I sighed. "What do you want?" I asked rather coldly. "I want your time, Star." He said and I felt my heart skip a beat. "I gave you my time and you didnt bother to give me yours..." I replied and walked past him feeling guilty. He can't know how I feel. "Star please?" He said and I turned around. He had tears in his eyes. "Why? Give me a good reason why I should give you another chance." I asked looking at him with a neutral expression. "I want to make it up to you." He said and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Marco... I don't need your apology... I don't need your time and you don't need mine... maybe this is for the best." I said and felt my heart rip in half. Marco sighed and a tear rolled down his cheek. "Why are you crying?" I asked and put my hand on his shoulder. "Just leave me alone, okay? You said it yourself, you don't need me..." I could see the hurt in his eyes. "Marco I didn't mean it like that! I need you more than you'd ever understand! I just felt abandoned! I'm sure you know what that feels like." I said and backed away. "Yeah... I know exactly what you mean. I'm sorry." He said and walked downstairs.

Marco's POV

I feel so bad for making Star feel like this... she's always been so supportive of me... and im always just... mean. Maybe she's right.
I turned around and went back upstairs. "Star do you want to come play video games with me?" I asked rather loudly. She looked confused. "Um... sure I guess?" She said and went to the living room. I smiled and followed her. "You can be player one if you want to." I offered. Star smiled. "You can be my player two for once." She said and squeezed my hand. I felt myself blush.

----time skip about 3 hours later----

"Wow Star! You're good!" I said as she beat me for the eighth time in a row. She laughed and nodded. "I've been practising." She said with a smile. I love her smile. What?! Uh... I mean... uh...
"Do you want to keep playing or do you want to do something else?" I asked and looked over to her. "We can play another game if you want. I don't feel like fighting monsters today. Let's just have a chill day." She said and smiled at me. "Chill day it is!" I said and put my feet on the coffee table.

Star's POV

I'm so glad we're not fighting anymore. Maybe he realised that I have feelings too. I mean, he let me be player one... He never wants to be player two... EVER.
"Can we take a break now?" I asked after the 25th round of fighting in mortal kombat. Marco yawned and nodded. "Yeah let's go stretch a bit before we continue." He said and got up.

----that evening----

"Today was really fun... Thank you." I said and have Marco a hug. He hugged me back tighter. "You're welcome... It was fun. I'm glad we're not fighting anymore." He said while hugging me. "I'm glad too." I said and smiled. We hugged for about 3 minutes and I heard Marco's phone ringing. "You better go answer that." I said and pulled away from the hug. "Yeah..." Marco awkwardly said and got out his phone. I took a peek and saw it was Jackie. Of course it was Jackie.

Marco's POV

"Hey Jackie!" I practically shouted into the phone. "Hey Marco, listen, yesterday was really fun, and I thought about what you said..." I heard her say. "R-really? What about it?" I asked nervously. Star smiled at me. "I think i like you too." She said and I felt myself explode internally. "Oh my gosh! Are you being serious?!" I asked excitedly. "Yes I'm serious... do you want to go on a date tomorrow?" I couldn't believe the words i was hearing. "Of course I do!" I replied with a huge smile on my face. "Great! See you tomorrow then!" She said and hung up.
I had a huge smile on my face. "Jackie said she liked me and she asked me on a date!!! This is the best day of my life!" I said and hugged Star. "I'm so happy for you!" She said with a smile. She looked kinda sad though. "What's wrong?" I asked and frowned. "Oh, it's nothing..." She said and didn't make eye contact. "Star... I know you better than this... you can talk to me, what's happening?" I asked and took a hold of her hand. "It's Jackie... she's using you, Marco... you don't have to believe me, but I'm warning you, I know her kind." She said and looked me in the eyes. "Don't worry, Star... its normal to be jealous... I'm not saying you are, im just saying it's normal. Maybe you should go get some sleep." I said sympathetically. She sighed and nodded. "Goodnight Marco." She said and went to her room. "Goodnight Star..." I said and went to mine.

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