Chapter 2

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It was early in the morning when I woke up. The sun was just starting to rise creating a beautiful sky full of reds, oranges, and yellows. Today's the first day of this so called school. I guess we have the opening ceremony. So I should go set things up before everyone else gets there. I'm probably going to have to do it all by myself tho, it's quite early and I highly doubt that anyone is up other than me. I swung my legs over the side of the bed reaching for the brush that laid on the nightstand. I brushed my long white hair and pulled it into a high ponytail to keep it from being in my face. Zeus probably has uniforms for us to wear but I don't have mine yet. So I settled in wearing a white tank top and jean shorts that I found in the drawers next to my bed. After looking in the mirror satisfied with how I looked, I headed out towards the same large hallway we were in yesterday. I need chairs, banners, and maybe music for the setup. I think I remember passing by a shop yesterday and I think the chairs would be in the gym. This may take awhile.

*10 minutes later

I have the chairs, banners, and this cool new loud speaker. That store is amazing they take orders for free! I pull out my phone and plug it into the amplifier. What song should I play? Centuries, I hate Love, Gravity.... why not. I hit play and started to sing to the song Gravity.

*Another 10 minutes later

Done. I think I did a good job. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand satisfied with my work. I looked out the window to see the sun was now above the treetops. It's about time that everyone should be coming now.

"Tori? Are you in here?" Yui said from the door.

"Hey. I'm done setting up for the opening ceremony. Where is everyone else?" I asked looking around.

"I don't think they are coming." Yui said sadly.

"Yeah. By the way that they were reacting to this situation most likely not. But they don't even realize that the only way to get out of this place is if they graduate in a year's time" I said. Just then 3 boys entered the room.

"Fairy! Good morning!" the blonde said cheerfully.

"Good morning Apollo." Yui said.

"Wow did you do all of this yourself Fairy?" he asked running up to her.

"No I did." I butted in.

"Oh you are Tori." Apollo said.

"I am Balder!" Balder said as he showed up in front of me causing me to jump back in surprise.

"I'm Tori Rose." I said.

"Like the flower! That's my favorite flower!" Balder said as his eyes lit up.

"Um....thanks." I said.

"I'm Tsukito." he said quietly.

"Hi." I said.

"Tori we need to get the others for opening ceremony." Yui said.

"We'll help!" Apollo cheered.

"Fine. Meet back here when you're done." I said leaving the room heading outside.

Where would I find them? They wouldn't go very far from the school. I turned my head to see the blue haired god laying under a large tree. Is he really sleeping he could have just stayed in his room if anything! That idiot. I walked in front of him to see black marker written all over his face. I tried not to laugh but a small giggle passed my lips.

"What so funny!" her said waking up.

"Your face!" I said still laughing.

"What's wrong with it?!" he snapped. I pulled out my phone and took a picture to show it to him.

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