Chapter 10

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I was currently sitting in the corner of the classroom completely bored, as Thoth was giving a lecture about the bone structure of humans. Learning came easy to me, in fact I find it easier to teach myself the topic. So of course I got bored, so I started to tap the end of my eraser on my desk in annoyance as time seemed to slow down. I glance around the room trying to find something to entertain myself. My eyes fell on Yui's form. She was intensly looking at the board as if it was in a different language trying to decipher it but failing. I was still worried about her health, she did almost drown not even a day ago. But she looked fine, no injuries, no bruises, but it looks like she has something on her mind. I came back to my senses when a tanned hand slammed onto my desk.

"Pay attention or leave my class." Thoth boomed. I hummed in response as he turned to go back to teaching.

Timeskip to the end of class

"TORI!" Balder calls from across the room. Not paying attention to where he was going he tripped over a chair and fell face first in front of me.

"And that's why you shouldn't run around in a classroom." I laughed. This caused Balder to become flustered as he scrambled to get back onto his feet.

"Are you going to go to your club?" Balder asks.

"Yeah." I say gathering my stuff.

"Oh" he says disappointedly.

"Did you need something?" I asked slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Oh it's nothing." Balder says rubbing the back of his head averting his eyes away from mine.

"Okay then. Have fun at your club then." I say heading out of the door to the music room. On this side of the school it's really quiet, it probably helps that every student has joined the tennis club because Balder did. But what I find interesting is that everyone is attracted to him except me and Yui; I mean we're both human so why is it different with us? Question swirl around in my head until I slammed into what seemed like a brick wall. I fall to the floor with a thud, everything from my bag spills out onto the ground in a large mess.

"My misfortune brought you bad luck." a low tone says.

"Ah no it's fine I say gathering the items that had been scattered across the floor. To my surprise Hades hadn't left but was trying to help me gather my things.

"Thanks." I say standing back up and dusting myself off.

"You should stay away from me. I bring misfortune." he whispers only enough to where I could hear. But before I could even respond to what he had said I left.

"I don't think of you that way." I say, hoping that somehow he had heard me.

Sorry for making you guys wait for so long.  Had a lot of stuff on my plate to deal with. 

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