Chapter 17

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Guys, I didn't know this but Melissa has an actual human form! And might I say he looks pretty good.

"Melissa?" I say crouching down to the doll's height. It kind of looked like the doll from Lilo and Stitch. What was the doll's name? They look so similar, same size, button eyes, stitched features, even a bow holding their pony tails up. Melissa goes on talking about how he was a "mistake" in the creation process, how he was supposed to look like a normal person but turned out to be a doll. I couldn't really make out anything other than that out for the fact that I couldn't remember the name of her doll. Scrap? Stump?

"SCRUMP!" I yell out triumphantly squishing the doll's cheeks between my fingers.

"What?! I am no scrump." he wails squirming away from my hands rearranging his face to look more even.

"Scrump. You know like Lilo and Stitch?" Melissa remained silent giving me a confused look.

"WHAT! You never seen Lilo and Stitch! Something is wrong with you man. No childhood." Lilo and Stitch is my favorite Disney movie of all time so meeting someone who hasn't seen it is like the end of the world.

"I feel like we're getting off topic here." any joy from the conversation was drained. I didn't want to remember what he said and yet I can hear his words clearly echo through my head, "Unwanted is right." He is practically a stranger to me and yet his words affected me so greatly.

"Is it really that bad here?" he repeats.

"Other than being stuck here against my will, Yui about drowning 2 days ago, Balder being loud and blowing my cover, Takeru being an ass, and having to go to school all over again, it's not that bad." I lied. I may have a hard shell on the outside but this is so much unnecessary stress that I did not ask for nor wanted. I could be on stage right now, performing, doing the thing I love and worked hard for but I stuck here. To know that could be at risk because of a stubborn god not wanting to suck it up and join a club is absolutely terrifying.

"It may seem like you'll never get anywhere with these gods, but if keep an open mind and open heart you may find what you've been looking for. But if you ever need anything just ask Kusanagi." he says leaving the room.  

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