Chapter 16

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I was blindly running through the school at this point. The urge to pummel the next person I saw was prominent now and it wasn't going to be pretty. I was originally going to go on a nice run but remembered that a certain asshole likes to take a run at this time too and I didn't want to see his face right now or maybe ever. I like the second option better. Much better.

I continue my blind run until I find myself in what looks like gym. Convenient. Zeus probably put this here for me to find. My feet carried me to the center of the room towards a punching bag that was hanging from the ceiling. Also convenient. And this is where I lost it, so many emotions came over me all a once and drowned me. And my thoughts were let out of their cage, now running around my mind.

Why was I here? Why did I have to be brought into this? I could be on stage right now in my world performing and going on tour, but I'm stuck here with these idiots. Well not all of them are idiots but that's not the point. Sweat started to trickle down my face as I beat the shit out of the bag.

Why are his words affecting me so much. This kind of thing never bothered me before, so why start now? I punch blindly into the bag making it swing back to only meet my fists again. Is it because he's a god? Because that's a lame excuse....Well he is the god of the ocean. My reasoning side kicked in. Well I wouldn't be surprised if I were eaten by a shark the next time I go in the ocean. And that's if we get to leave this place.

"At this rate we all are going to be stuck here." I mumble.

"Is it really that bad here?" an unexpected voice came from the entrance of the gym. I quickly turn around but no one was in sight. Now I'm just hearing things.

"Hello, down here." the same voice says but this time a bit more annoyed. I look down to see a yellow doll only a foot away from me.

"Is a doll really talking to me or is it just me?" I say to know one in particular.

"No. My name is Melissa." the doll says crossing its arms. 

Sorry this is so short. Schools been picking up again and I've been writing stuff for a new story and almost forgot about this one, yikes, but anyways remember you guys influence this story tell me who you ship, dislike, want to see next. But until then.



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