Chapter 8

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"What's your room number?" He asks stopping by the staircase that leads up to all the girls dorms. What do I do? What should I say? Should I lie or tell the truth?

"43" I say suddenly. Why did I say that?! I'm so stupid. He gonna think I'm a liar. Balder started walking up the flight of stairs, almost tripping a few times along the way. When we finally reached the door I spoke up.

"Balder you can't tell anyone this okay." I start off. He hummed in response stopping all efforts of trying to reach the door handle.

"It's kind of a long story." I say stalling the truth.

"We've got time." Balder says.

"We'll the whole reason of why I'm here on the island is unknown. Zeus didn't bring me here nor did anyone of you. I'm unwanted here, no one planned for me to be here in the first place." I say sadly.

"Well that may be true but I'm happy you're here and so is Yui." Balder says sweetly.

"Well anyways." I say a little flustered.

"All of the girls dorms were full, so I found an empty room on the boys side." I say a little quieter.

"That's it?!" Balder says a little surprised.

"Well yeah. There is a reason why the two genders are divided!" I say as a small blush crossed my face.

"Why?" Balder says turning on his heel heading for the stairs.

"" I stutter as many reasons swirled through my head.

"Our anatomy is different." I say quickly as my face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Is that so?" Balder says stepping out of the girls dormitory. Is that so?! How dumb are the Gods anyways!

"Well....yeah!" I stutter.

"Like how?' he asks.

"Ah....." change the subject! Change the subject!

"So how about that weather." I say showing a fake smile. Really. Really, that's all I could come up with.

"I'd think you would know more than anyone!" Balder say scanning my drenched form.

"Right." I say cringing mentally.

"We're almost there." Balder says approaching the boys dormitory.

"My room number is 129." I say.

"Okay." Balder says pushing the door open with his shoulder. The hallways were quiet and all the lights were turned off. How late is it? It was only 8 pm when I went out for Yui.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's about 10 pm." Balder responds.

"I've been out for 2 hours!" I say dumbfounded.

"Yeah. I was really worried about you. I thought you got lost. Or even worse..." Balder trailed off as a frown appeared on his face.

"Thanks for worrying about me, but I can handle myself." I say.

"Who's carrying who now?" Balder says as a smile reappeared on his face. I huffed in annoyance. But he is kind of right. If they didn't find us then Yui and I could still be outside.

"Well here we are. Room 129." Balder says setting me down. My legs still felt a little numb but for the most part I could walk normally. Balder crossed the hall and opened another door.

"So we're neighbors?" I ask opening my door.

"You could say that. But goodnight Tori." Balder says sweetly showing his signature smile.

"Yeah. Goodnight Balder." I say closing the door softly.

I had some major writers block on this chapter, so sorry for the late update.

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