Chapter 14

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"Ah! It's over! Class is done for today!" Apollo cheered.

"It's time for clubs." Tsukito says in a monotoned voice.

"That's right, Tsuki-Tsuki. Let's do our best today!" Apollon says standing from his desk.

"Time for the going home club." Loki says standing from his desk, Thor closely following after him.

"Have fun with that." I say leaning back in my chair stretching my arms. Loki turns towards me with a cheshire smile plastered on his face. He's up to something today. And with that look it must be pretty good. I chuckle under my breath. I wonder what idiots gonna get it this time.

"The guys in the going home club are really into their club activities. We must learn from them." Tsukito says in monotone.

"Well yeah. All their doing is going home. I would be pretty excited to do that too." I say. Takeru gets up abruptly and leaves the room.

"Takeru you going to club?" Balder inquires.

"Huh? I'm not joining a club." Takeru says slinging his bag over his arm.

"Tak-Tak. As the student council president, let me tell you something." Apollon announces. Everyone grew quiet except for the menacing grunt from Takeru.

"You should just give something a try!" Apollon cheers. What an idiot. I face palm.

"I'm attending class! Isn't that enough?" Takeru says annoyed.

"No it's not enough. If you don't like the other clubs just join the going home club." I say crossing my arms. Takeru glares at me.

"Glare all you want! You want to go home, correct? Well the fact of the matter is that you have to attend classes, do extracurricular activities, and attend school trips in order for us to go home. So why are you so reluctant to comply to those simple rules?" I glare back. The only response I got was a "Tsk" and he left the room. What a bag of dicks.

Some time later in the Library

"Do something about that failure!" Thoth yells banging his hand against the bookshelf trapping Yui. Books from the shelf rattle out of their place and fall to the floor creating a cloud of dust. One of the books skidded across the room landing in from of my feet. Picking it up the book I brush of the layer of dust that hid the name of the book away. Paper Towns by John Green. Completely ignoring Thoth's rant about getting Takeru to join a club I read the back of the book. Pretty cool. Might bring it back to my room to read.

"Do something about it." Thoth ends his rant.

"Y-yes, Sir." Yui says running off. Thoth turns to me with this arms crossed.

"And what are you doing? Put that book back." he says.

"I'm reading. Is that illegal?" I say. Thoth raises an eyebrow.

"A stupid romance novel is a waste of time." Thoth says quickly picking up the rest of the fallen books placing them back in their proper places.

"Well that's what you think. Have you ever read this book because back on Earth this book is really well know." I say.

"Love is nothing compared to knowledge." he bites back.

"Well have you been in love?" I say looking into his eyes. Thoth opens his mouth but then shuts it quickly turning away from me.

"You haven't fallen in love!?" I gasp.

"It's none of your business." he says.

"Well then. Can I borrow this book." I say stepping around him to meet his eyes.

"No." he says firmly.

"Why not? It's not like you're reading it anytime soon." I say. Thoth grits his teeth in frustration.

"Whatever. But if you damage that book I'll make you clean the entire library." he says stalking off. 

I'm ALIVE! So sorry for being absent for like three months. I've been planning future chapters. And school is being a bitch. But I hope you enjoyed.

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