Chapter 6

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"These are the main clubs that are available." Yui said gesturing towards the board. Cute drawings. My guess she had Melissa pose to do all of those drawings.

"Tori what club do you want to join?" Yui asked.

"Music club. I would finally have a reason to blare loud music without Thoth yelling at me." I say leaning back in my chair.

"What about you Balder?" Yui said.

"I'm interested in tennis. Preferably soft tennis." Balder said.

"I'd like to join the tennis club too." Apollo said.

"Then you could play with Blader." Yui said.

"Yui, I think Apollo means something different." I but in.

"Like what?" Yui said turning towards Apollo.

"I want to play hard ball tennis." Apollo cheered.

"Then you two will be rivals, am I right." I added.


"Well what about you, Dionysus?" Yui asked.

"Well the gardening club sounds nice." he said resting his head on his hand.

"What about you Loki?"

"The going home club." Loki said twirling a piece of his red hair in his hand.

"That's not a real club." Yui said.

"I'll join that one too." Thor bluntly said.

"Really guys." I sigh.

"Those are only the primary clubs. You can make a club if you don't like any of those." I add.

"Then it's settled I'm joining the Going Home club. And I will be the leader!" Loki said with a smile on his face.

"That's not what I meant." I say in a harsh tone. An awkward silence filled the room until Yui spoke up.

"What about you Hades? Are you interested in any club?"

"I'm interested in the astronomy club." Hades said in a low voice.

"The astronomy club! That sounds great! Then you will be in the-"

"I'm not joining a club." Hades said cutting off Yui.

"But you just said-"

"You asked if I was interested in any clubs. So I simply said the astronomy club." Hades said in a dark tone that sent chills down my spine.

"I will not be participating in group activities, if that's what clubs are. Then I shall pass." Hades said getting up and leaving the room. I look over towards Yui, to only see disappointment and sadness written upon her face.

Later that night

"Have any of you seen Yui?" I say walking into the cafeteria.

"No in matter of fact I haven't seen Hades around either." Apollo says stuffing a ball of rice in his mouth.

"Why are you looking for her?" Balder asked.

"It's raining pretty hard and she wasn't in her room. So I'm afraid she's outside somewhere." I say.

"I saw her go off with Hades towards the open field." Tsukito said barely above a whisper.

"REALLY! IT'S POURING!" I sprint out of the door into the pouring rain. Yui I hope you are okay.

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