Chapter 4

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"Yui open your eyes, you're just being dramatic." I say with a sigh.

"What! Why are you looking?!" Yui said looking at me. I give her a confused look.

"They have their swimsuits underneath their clothes." I say gesturing towards the boys.

"Well some of them are swimsuits." I say looking at Takeru, who was wearing nothing more than a cloth.

"Yui go get changed, I'm sure they want you to swim too." I say taking a seat on the sand.

"Aren't you going to swim?" Yui asked.

"I love swimming, but I'm just not feelin' it today." I say.

"Aw come on Tori!" Apollo said pulling me towards the water. Then I felt a cold chill run down my spine. What was that? Isn't it summer?

"It's getting colder!?" Yui said wrapping her arms around herself. I pull myself free from Apollo to clutch my body in attempt to warm myself up.

"Is he serious! I'm wearing a freakin tank top and shorts and he decides to change it to winter!" I said in a annoyed tone. A gust of wind blew against my skin sending shivers down my spine.

"The water is fine guys. Come on in." Apollo said sneezing.

"You idiot you're going to get inomia." I say in a worrying tone.

"No....I'm.....fine..." Apollo said visibly turning blue.

"No you're not. Now let's get inside." I say plucking him out of the water holding him in my arms. He's freezing! At this rate he's going to lose a few limbs! I start sprinting down the path heading towards the cabin that would provide us warmth. In no time at all we made it to the cabin. Ripping open the doors I set Apollo down by the fireplace, that was already conveniently lit. I wasted no time to fill a large container full with boiling water.

"God damn it Apollo. Your actions are to reckless." I say pulling over two chairs with blankets.

"I just wanted to have fun." Apollo whined.

"Well I don't think having my legs being amputated fun, Apollo." I say setting my feet in the water wrapping a blanket around myself searching for warmth.

"Tori calm down, Apollo doesn't know." Yui said handing me a hot coco.

"Doesn't know what?" Loki questioned sitting on the couch.

"Humans can die if our body's get too cold or too hot." I say sipping the coco.

"That's too much work for a little body." Takeru huffed leaning against a wall.

"Well it's necessary for us to live." I say setting the cup down on the coffee table.

"Yui can you get me some more blankets, my legs are still numb." I say readjusting the blanket that was draped over my shoulders.

"Sure thing. Apollo do you need anything." Yui said standing.

"No I'm fine." Apollo said.

"Why is it so cold in here? I should be a lot warmer than this." I say. Loki stood up from where he was sitting and headed over to me. He stopped in front of me and bent down. His face was inches away from mine and I could feel his warm breath against my face. His silver eyes gleamed mischievously as a crooked smile spread across his face. His hand trailed down my face lifting up my chin to look him in the eyes. He leaned in towards my ear, his voice low that no one in the room but me could hear.

"If you want I could warm you up, kitten." he said pulling away. I could feel my face heat up at what he said. I could hear a small chuckle come from him as he went back to the couch. I was just about to say something but Yui came back in the room with another blanket for me.

"Thanks." I say laying it over my legs.

"Hey where did Apollo go?" Yui said looking around the room for him. I can't believe that I was so flustered to not even notice Apollo left!

"I think he went outside." I say.

"I'll go look for him." Yui said heading out the door.

"Okay. Stay warm." I say.

I put in a little Tori x Loki in here, I'm not used to writing moments like that but I will try to work on it. Also I'm sorry for not updating for so long, I had a few benchmarks to take and big projects to finish.

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