Chapter 18

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The song used for this chapter is Walking the Wire by Imagine Dragons, it is so good and I think it fits Takeru's personality as well as the situation they are in currently.

I would like to acknowledge some of the people in the comments...

SilverAngelOfMusic- Silver is the name of Tori's band, in far later chapters you might meet the rest of the members. Yui also knows the name of her band because she is a HUGE fan of her and like any other fan you would be able to recognize the artist of the song. Also this isn't a Tori x Loki story YET because you guys do sway the story and who she ends up with. My personal favorite is Takeru too, so his chapter will be enjoyable to write.

macymorgan3- I have a lot of spelling mistakes that I will eventually fix. I started writing this 3 years ago and my vocabulary and spelling improved since then.

NikkiSmile66- I've recently started reading Hades x OC fanfictions. He is just so sweet and gentle that I couldn't resist. HE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY!

HaeSoo3321- I love Markiplier, his humor is basically the same as mine.

SweeneyBlue- I love reading your comments, they make me smile and pushes me to write more.

flower_crown_fef, Love_dat_Anime, ahsley_collins, kedaboo03, and MikaylaHarcourt- Sorry for the wait, here ya go.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?! THERE IS A STORM GOING ON AND YOU ARE OUT HERE RUNNING AROUND! IT'S UNSAFE!" I yell across the rift. Takeru said something but I couldn't make it out over the load clap of thunder and lightning that ripped across the sky. Before I could say another word, the ground gave away.

I may sound stupid saying this but the world felt like it was going in slow motion. Cliche, I know. But get back to me when you fall off a cliff, not a great as it sounds. There is nothing above you to hold onto nor anything below you to catch you, except for the ground. Admittedly, I don't feel like meeting the ground right now. Even when death is inevitable and I know death himself, I can't help but think about the responsibility I have here and the role that I play in it. Zeus didn't bring me here but someone must have. So even if I'm unwanted, I'm needed.

But anyways, back to me falling.

I couldn't remember when I had closed my eyes but when I had opened them I could see Takeru's hand reaching for my own. Unthinkingly, I grasped onto his hand. A blinding, blue light burst from him, followed by a loud rumble. A wave of relief floods me as he pulls me closer to his chest.

"Tori!" he says nudging my side. I look up into his gold eyes, a genuine smile spreads across his face. He's smiling and used my real name.

"It's okay now, I'll protect you. I have my divine powers back."You may have them back but where did your clothes go!!

"Susanoo, Totsuka Takeru!" an echoing voice rung out.

"Zeus!" in an instant we were teleported into the main room. Takeru was lifted into the air, his shackle reappearing around his ankle, and placed into a cage.

"You destroyed the shackles I placed upon you, and used you divine powers." Zeus says from the staircase.

"What are you doing! Let me out!" Takeru yells banging on the bars.

"Unable to control you own emotions, you destroyed a part of this garden! You will be suspended until you repent and acknowledge your transgression." I couldn't believe what he was saying. How can he be punished for doing good.

"Are you kidding me! How can he be suspended." I yell as the others ran into the room.

"Tori! Whats going on!" Balder says.

"Long story short I fell from a cliff and Takeru broke his shackles using his divine powers. Now he is suspended" air quoting the suspension part.

"And for a good reason too! He-" I turn towards Zeus.

"Totsuka Takeru, if you do not repent, you will be expelled. As a special exception, I will allow the others to graduate without you." every gasped in shock.

"Excuse you! Did it look like I was done talking? No, I wasn't. Going around acting like you know everything." I put my hands on my hips.

"What!" Zeus exclaims.

"You heard me. Takeru doesn't have anything to apologize for. He saved me from dying!" I vent.

"Not only that but isn't the whole point of being here is to learn about human emotions. And I'm pretty sure that caring for someone's well being and safety is the most human emotion you can have. So it doesn't make any sense to why he has to apologize for it." silence fell upon the room. Zeus glared at me but kept his mouth closed. Footstep can be heard from behind me but I didn't break contact with his cold eyes.

"Leave! This has nothing to do with you!" Zeus says to the people behind me.

"That isn't true. The classroom isn't the same without Take-Take. It's not the same!" Apollo says.

"Without him, it doesn't feel complete." Dionious says.

"Yeah." Balder shouts.

"Look everyone agrees. They really are learning about humans." Yui yells.

"You intend to defy me, human girl?" Zeus grumbles.

"YES! The one at this academy who understands humans the least is you, Zeus" I join in.

"Zeus learn from the others and study humans more closely! Humans can recover from their mistakes! They want to save their friends when they're in trouble." Yui yells.

"That's what it means to be human!" I finish. His eyes never left mine, that cold hard stare. He knew deep down that he would lose this battle, and I was there to make sure of it.

"Zeus, you never miss anything. You knew this would happen, didn't you?" Hades added. His only response was a bitter growl from Zeus. Another tense silence filled the room, a suffocating silence, one that made everyone in the room hold their breath.

"Susanoo, Totsuka Takeru. Continue your studies and produce results." Zeus closes his eyes in defeat. A sigh of relief left my mouth.

"Okay, all of you. Class is starting, return to the classroom." Thoth states. A resounding yes was said as we left the room. Takeru came up to my side quietly. I look over to him.

"Thanks for catching me." I say.

"Yeah, no problem. Thanks for backing me up." he says softly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, glad we put him in his place." yet another silence fell upon us. But this time it was a comfortable silence, unlike before.

"I thought humans were weak but you're strong. That's Thorns for you." Takeru laughs.

"Again with that name." I chuckle.

"Too bad, it suits you. A rose with thorns." he blushes.

"Whatever." I sigh walking ahead. Unknown to Tori, Takeru whispered under his breath.

"I want you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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