Chapter 12

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Takeru was furious, wiping the white power off of his face he stormed over to us.

"RUN!" I squeal pushing past Yui running to the far end of the kitchen. Takeru bolted after me catching my arms and pinning me to the floor. Flour that was still in his hair fell on my face making me cough.

"You're gonna pay." Takeru says reaching for the carton of eggs that were sat on the counter. My eyes widen in surprise. I quickly flip over and pin him under me. I was now straddling the god of the oceans and storms. His golden eyes widen in surprise because a mere mortal girl could pin him down so easily. At this point Yui was nowhere to be found; she probably went off to talk with Hades about the whole club situation. What a convenient time to leave Yui. If anyone were to walk in now it would look like I'm molesting Takeru, which for the record I am doing this to prevent getting eggs on me, nothing else. Takeru now understanding the situation blushed a deep crimson and avoided my eyes.

"Get off of me." Takeru says with venom in his voice trying to pry my hands off him.

"You gotta promise not to take those eggs and smash them on me then." I say strengthening my grip on him.

"I'm making no promise. You were the one who threw flour at me." Takeru says struggling against me.

"Then I'm not moving." I say stubbornly. It seemed like Takeru was debating in his head whether or not to comply with my demands but he shook his head. I shifted my weight over his body, accidentally brushing against his leg. Instinctively Takeru tried to squirm away from me but failed.

"W-what are you doing!" Takeru says a bit flustered.

"I'm redistributing my weight. It takes a lot of energy to restrain you." I say in a matter of fact tone.

"Get off of me." Takeru says.

"No." I say. It was like this for a few minutes until the door creaked open. I snapped my head up to see who had entered.

"Brother, if you want to do such acts this is no place to be doing them." Tsukito says monotonly. I instantly release him at that remark; Takeru jumps to his feet and brushes the rest of the remaining flour off of him.

"It's not like that brother. I have no feelings towards Thorns." Takeru says heading towards Tsukito.

"Aw you even gave me a name." I say teasing Takeru. He turned to look at me with an angered face.

"Let's go." Takeru says pulling Tsukito out of the kitchen.

"You could have at least helped clean up the mess." I yell out of the door.

Here's a little Takeru x Tori moment. Hope you enjoyed.

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