Chapter 9

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I woke up to a harsh knocking on my door. What is it now? I groggily lift my body from my bed and trudge over to my door. As soon as I unlocked it the person behind the door pushes their way through.

"GOOD MORNING TORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Balder bursts through.

"Come on we're going to be late!" he says pushing me towards the bathroom. I grind my feet into the carpet, reluctant to leave my room.

"It's too early." I whine grabbing hold of my bed frame.

"We're going to have breakfast together! So hurry up." He says going out into my living room sitting on the dark blue couch.

"It's like 6 in the morning! School doesn't start until 8! And when did I say that I will have breakfast with you?" I say closing the door to my room.

"It's better to be early than late. And it's nice to have someone eat with you" Balder says through the door. I quickly changed into a baby blue T-shirt and black shorts.

"Then next time at least ask before you go waking me up." I say with a sigh stepping out of the bathroom fully clothed.

"Great!" He says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the dorms. It was still dark outside when I was changing but now the sky was a bright orange red color.

"The sunrise is beautiful." I say.

"But not as beautiful as you." Balder mumbled.

"What did you say?" I questioned.

"Yeah. The sunrise is beautiful." Balder says. The walk towards the gazebo was very quiet, to where you could hear the soft chirping of birds in the trees and the calm wind brushing along the grass. Well this is awkward. Should I say something? Wait is he looking at me?! I look out the corner of my eye to see Balder's crystal blue eyes staring at me. I could feel my face heat up, making an obvious blush appear on my face. Do something! Say anything! BREAK THE TENSION!

"How about that weather." I say. Is that my go to line!? He's going to think I'm weird. Balder let out a soft laugh before we turned the corner to find a white gazebo surrounded in colorful flowers.

"Wow." I say under my breath. I could feel Balder's gaze set on me as I made my way the gazebo. There was a round table in the middle of the gazebo with a pair of chairs facing opposite of eachother. The table was filled with different kinds of breakfast foods that made my mouth water. But the thing that caught my eye was the single rose set in the middle of the table.

"You remembered that it was my favorite flower and my middle name?" I ask turning back to see Balder smiling back at me.

"Of course I would remember!" Balder says pulling out a chair. He motioned me over and sat me down pushing in my chair like a gentleman.

"Go ahead and help yourself." he says sitting across from me. Without thinking I stuff my mouth with various foods.

"Jeez it looks like you haven't eaten in days." Balder says placing meat on his plate.

"I used most of my strength last night, it's important that I replenish it." I say between mouthfuls.

"What happened?" Balder says in a slightly serious tone.

"Yui fell in a river. I dove after her and saved her from drowning. Then carried her until I couldn't move anymore. That's when you found us." I say.

"Thanks to you and Apollo we didn't die." I smirk.

"Thankyou." I add.

"You're welcome." Balder says smiling.

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