Chapter 3

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It was really late when I woke up, Shit I'm missing class! I lunged myself out of the comforts of my bed and pulled on a pair of black basketball shorts and a baby blue t- shirt. I brushed my silver hair pulling it into a messy high ponytail. I yanked my door open and sprinted down the stairs and out into the courtyard. I ran down the hallway and opened the door to my classroom.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Thoth said monotonly. I glanced around the room and saw that some of the gods were missing from the room.

"At least I made an effort to come. Even looks like some are asleep, I'm guessing they find you boring." I said with poison laced in my voice. He turned away from the chalk board and looked at me with hatred in his eyes, and then went back to writing. Nice one Tori that made him shut his mouth.

"MONSTER!" Dionysus yells causing the spirits to panic.

"No. It's okay." Yui says trying to calm them down but failed. All I could do was chuckle at the scene that was unfolding in front of me. Then I heard a loud bang that came from behind me.

"I will not teach under these conditions."Thoth boomed leaving the room.

"Wait Thoth" Yui yelled following after him. Then all the spirits left as well.

"Nice one Dionysus." I say sarcastically.

"Does this mean that the lessons over?" Tsukito said quietly.

"No this just means I have to teach you." I say with a sigh standing up.

"Take a seat in the front. Today we will be learning about the heart." I say.

After the lesson...

Yui came back into the room with a smile on her face.

"It's summer!" she cheered.

"Yeah. The scorching heat and sun. No offence Apollo." I say sarcastically.

"And we're going to the beach." she replied.

"Hm. I'm cool with that." I say crossing my hands over my chest.

"We could leave in an hours time so meet me at the front gate." I say leaving the classroom.

Time skip...

"What's that?" Takeru said lightly kicking the tire of my dark blue bike.

"It's a bike. I'm not for walking the whole way there." I say hopping onto my bike.

"Wait we're walking!" Loki complained as we started off.

"For you all yeah" I said riding off smirking.

"Oh and Yui if you need a lift just ask." I say pedaling down the dirt path. It's so hot outside today, my skins going to boil if we don't get there anytime soon. And by the pace everyone else is going at it would take about 2 hours to get there.

After a while of walking in the heat...

"It's too hot and why do I feel so sticky?" Loki whined.

"It's called sweat, so deal with it. I'm tired of all your whining lately." I say strolling past him.

"When do we get there?" Takeru complained.

"It will take longer the more you complain." I say.

"And besides it's also about the journey too. Not just the destination." Yui said.  And at that point forward the rest of the way went very fast surprisingly.

"We are finally here!" I say getting off my bike.

"Yeah the water is beautiful today." Takeru said.

"Look's like someone's home-sweet home." I say.

"Alright! Let's go swimming!" Apollo said pulling off his shirt and unbuckling his pants.

"Don't change here!" Yui says covering her eyes. But none of them decided to listen and continued stripping off their cloths.

So sorry that I didn't update for a while. I have been busy with upcoming tests and mounds of homework. Also sorry that this chapter isn't that long either. And wow I didn't really expect all of these views, I'm very honored to have you read my work. And if you want to have something happen between the characters I'll see if I could make it happen. And tell me who you want Tori to end up with too, I haven't decided yet.

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