Chapter 7

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"YUI! YUI!" I yell running through the rain. Out of the corner of my eye I see Yui fall into a raging river.

"YUI!!!" I yell diving into the river. The water is pitch black, with only a few rays of light illuminating Yui's drowning form. I swim deeper into the water just barely catching Yui's hand. My oxygen was running out but with one last push I finally grabbed hold of Yui's hand. I quickly swim to the surface, bursting through the water, oxygen filled my lungs. I quickly pull us to the river's edge and lay against the trunk of a tree.

"" I say out of breath. Yui didn't respond but rested but she rested her head on my shoulder taking in big gulps of air.

"I should be now." she said in a dazed voice, collapsing on my chest. After a while of just laying there limp I regained my strength and pulled Yui up. But Yui was fast asleep.

"Yui you got to wake up now," I say gently shaking her. She groaned but didn't make a move to getting up.

"Come on, we got to get back." I say sitting up right bracing myself on a tree. But Yui didn't respond. I sighed and pulled myself off the ground.

"Yui. You owe me big time." I whisper picking her up bridal style. As I walked down the path to the dorms my grip on Yui started to weaken. It started to rain harder making my clothes stick to me like glue and mud clung to my shoes making it harder for me to walk, draining my energy even further. And Yui wasn't waking up any time soon. Black splotches appeared in my vision making me dizzy, slowing my walking pace to struggled steps. My whole body started to shake do to the lose of energy. So I braced myself against a tree. Then a miracle happened, a light was coming towards me.

"Over here!" I yell in a strained voice. I light grew brighter and two figures appeared running towards me.

"Yui!" Apollo said taking her out of my arms.

"Tori." Balder said wrapping his arms around me gently lifting me off the ground.

"Are you okay?" he said in a soft voice. He's so warm. And how is he not wet? I looked up into the clouds and saw a hole in the clouds directly where we were standing.

"Nature likes you." I say. Balder smirked at my comment.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." he said walking towards the dorms.

"So is that why so many people adore you." I inquire.

"People adore me because everyone seeks light, all but you." he looked me in the eyes.

"Why doesn't it affect me?" I ask breaking away from his gaze.

"I don't know." he simply says. Before I could ask another question we had already arrived at the dorms. Balder started walking towards the girls dorm until I stopped him. What do I do. What do I do!

"Ah...I can walk from here." I quickly say trying to get out of his grasp.

"No you're too weak to be walking up those stairs." he says continuing on into the girls dorm. No. No. No. No. This is bad.

"What is your room number?" He asks stopping by the staircase that leads up to all the girls dorms.

I feel so bad for not updating in so long. It's just that I had finals, Christmas, and Ichibancon. It was just a pretty hectic month for me. Sorry again for the short chapter as well, this was I could do in the short amount of time I had.

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