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It has been 2 months since I came back from California and my dad had won custody over my brother. Since then my either would've seen my mum twice and I can tell he is much happier since he got what he wants. I have moved out of my previous house and moved in with Ki. He lives in Baton Rouge which isn't far from New Orleans so it want that big a drive. It definitely is a big move though. The boys were very understanding and every now and again I will help them with rent since I only moved last month and I'm still going. Back every now and again to get things.
I haven't been talking to my mum at all lately. Not that I mind. What she did broke our family and I'm still mad at her about it.
Now I'm happy with Ki. Things couldn't get better.

Hey guys so that was my prologue. It was my first time doing one so please tell me what you think. Hope you enjoy chapter 1.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now