Twenty one

14 0 0

3 months later
This chapter will also be a bit rushed considering I feel very lazy today. Sorry about the lack of detail that is about to happen.

I was walking around the house looking for something to do. I was 9 months pregnant and Ki being Ki was being over protective and wasn't letting me out if the damned house. We enrolled Violet at school and she is having so much fun. She has a really nice friend who comes around everyday. At first she would freak out about the fact that I'm Kaya Scodelario and everything. Every time she would come over then she just accepted it. She is such a sweet girl. Just then I hear the door open and close.
"Kaya I'm home and Isabella's here. Again!" Violet yells and I laugh.
"Ok!" I shout back as I sit in the couch. A few minutes later Ki joins me and I lean my head in his shoulder.
"You want take out?" I ask him. It was 5:30 so I though we might as well.
"I could go for some." He says and gives me his signature smile.
"Ok sweet. But you'll have to pick it up." I smirk at him and go upstairs to the girls.
"Izzy hon do you want to stay for dinner?" I ask her and she nods.
"Please." Sh responds.
"Ok we're having pizza. Do you mind sharing with Violet?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Ok thanks hon. I'll call your mum to let her know." I tell her and she nods. I walk downstairs and call the pizza place and order our usuals.
Half an hour later Ki arrives with the pizza and I immediately find mine. I smile back at the thought of when I was a kid and every time we got takeaway i would instantly find mine. It was so much fun.
"Thank the lord food arrived." I say and call for the girls to come downstairs. They run down and eat their pizza.
"Kaya can we eat in my room please." Violet asks. I smile.
"Sure. Just don't make a mess." I say and they run up. Most likely forgetting my last comment. "Let's eat shall we." I say and start devouring my first bit of pizza.
While I'm eating I get a phone call. I look at the caller ID and it says Isabella's mums name. I answer it.
"Hi Kaya. How are you?" She asks. I smile at her.
"I'm good thanks." I respond.
"That's good. Would it be ok if Isabella slept over? Her father and I have a last minute business trip and we don't want her at the house by herself. Would that be ok?" She asks me.
"Yeah that should be fine. Me or Ki will drive her over to get clothes." I say.
"Thank you so much. I've got to go. Bye." And with that she hung up.
"Isabella is sleeping over. Isn't she?" Ki asks and I nod.
"Yeah. Her parents have a last minute business trip. They don't want her at the house by herself." I explain and he nods. We continue eating our pizza while talking every now and then. Eventually we have finished I had finally let Ki agree to let me out if the house. I think I would've gone mad if I spent one more minute in there.
"Girls!" I shout and they come running down. "Izzy we have to go to your house." I say.
"Your parents have a last minute business trip and I said that you could sleepover. Is that ok?" I ask and she nods ferociously. I take that as a yes and we get in the car. Ready to head off to Isabella's place.

"I'm tired." I say in the middle of s yawn. This just makes Ki chuckle.
"Really? I thought the yawn would wake you up more. Come on. Let's get you to bed." He says and we get up together to go to bed. He was tired too.
"Ok." I say and we walk up the stairs. I check in the girls who are watching movies but look half asleep. I smile at them and go to bed.
Once I change I get in the bed and try my best to snuggle up with Ki. It fails so I just roll over and let him hug me. Either way I'm happy he is here.

While I was sleeping I feel a sharp pain through my stomach. I put my hand on my stomach and groan. Not loud enough to wake up Ki though. Another pain goes through this time more intense. I jolt awake which makes Ki jump out of his skin.
"Kaya what's wrong?" He whispers.
"Are you recall asking that question?" I tell him and he quickly gets the point and gets out then helps me out if the bed. He runs down the hall and I hear him (stressfully) telling violet that we have to go to the hospital. Soon I hear a pair if footsteps coming back and Violet is there. Isabella must still be sleeping.
"Kaya? You ok?" She asks me.
"I'm fine vi. Listen you'll have to stay here because of Isabella but Ki will come and get you in the morning. Ok?" I tell her.
"Ok. What if he didn't though?" She asks. Chances are she'll be awake and Ki will still be at the hospital with me.
"We'll leave enough money for a cab if you have to. Remember to text me if anything happens." I say and she nods. "Ok well let's go." I say. Good thing the contractions aren't that strong yet so we should be good for now.
"Ok bye." Violet says but she is careful as to not wake up Isabella. We walk out the door and into the car and we see Violet waking at us from her bedroom window. Here we go.

We reach the hospital and the contractions are unbearable. They are so painful. And intense.
"She's in labor." Ki yells frantically and I try my best to calm him down.
"Ki calm down. I'm not going to die. It's fine." I reassure him and he nods.
"Ms Scodelario? This way please." A nurse says and we both walk through. At first she tried to stop Ki but I tell her that he deserves to come through gritted teeth.
"Ok Kaya. How are you Feeling? On a scale of 1-10." Our nurse asks me.
"9.5" I respond and she nods.
"Ok. We will have that baby out if you soon. Ok?" She asks and I nod.
"Ok." I sit there in agonising pain waiting for the birthing room to be ready. I wish they'd hurry up!

Ki's POV
When the birthing room is ready and they are ready for her was when I started to freak out. I'm gonna be dad. Oh my god.
"Ki. You might want to call the boys. They are just as excited as what you were when I told you." Kaya tells me. I nod. She has a fair enough point. "Oh and tell my dad and brother. I don't care how early it is. Just do it." She says then she is in the room. I quickly call everyone and tell them what's going on then run inside to see Kaya about ready to push but screaming her lungs out. I rush over to her and hold her hand which she squeezes strongly. The only bad bit about giving birth. The pain.
"Ok Kaya. You need to push." The nurse says. Everyone is running around the room getting ready for the arrival. Kaya pushes with a ear splitting scream. Then she lays back down with silent tears streaming down her face.
"It's ok Kay. You can do this. Just a couple more." I reassure her. I kiss her forehead and sit back in my chair.
"Ok and again." The nurse says once again and Kaya pushes with another scream. I see the nurse smile a little.
"Ok I can see the head.none more big push for me." She says and for the last time Kaya pushes with her last scream and then we hear it. The best sound a parent could ever hear. The scream of our newborn baby.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now