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Today we left for New Mexico. I was so excited and I couldn't wait. I had packed my things the night before and all I needed to do was put my necessities in and I'll be ready.
"Ki! You done yet?! I want a shower!" I shout. Waiting for my boyfriend if a year, to get out of the shower.
Soon he is in the room smirking. I give him a playful slap and walk to the bathroom. Well that was until he grabbed my waist and started tickling me. Luckily he had but jeans on so it was all good.
"Ki stop. We have to leave soon and I want a shower." I complain but laughing hysterically..
"Nope." He says. Popping the 'p'.
"Please." I plead. He thinks for a moment then smirks once again.
"I'll stop, as long as you say that I am the sexiest and most awesome boyfriend in the whole world." He says. Enjoying the fact that he's tickling me and I can't do anything about it.
"Never." I say. I won't surrender but, I have a feeling I might.
"Come on. Say it and I'll stop." I sigh and give in.
"Fine. You are the sexist and most awesome boyfriend. Now please let me go have a shower." I say. Laughing so much my sides hurt. Though some of that would've been from Ki tickling me.
Satisfied, Ki gets off of me. Allowing me to have a shower.
I go to the bathroom, strip down and let the warm water run over my body. I wash my hair and wash my body. After about 5 minutes I get out and wrap the towel around me. I put my undergarments on and walk back to our room(yes. We share a room). I put some jeans on and put a t-shirt on that says take me too London, Paris, New York. I scoop up my phone and run downstairs. I'm wearing black high heel boot but I'm used to it so running didn't prove to be a challenge.
"I've made some coffee." Ki yells from the kitchen. I check the time and realise we have to leave in half an hour.
"K thanks." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. I quickly gulp down my coffee then run upstairs to clean my teeth and do my makeup. Then I stuff my hairbrush, makeup and toothbrush into my suitcase in my small toiletries bag then close my suitcase. I go back downstairs, dragging my bag behind me. Ki was already outside unlocking the car and opening the boot. I go out there and he puts my bag in the back.
"I'll go get the carry ons and you get your bags." I make a deal with him. He nods and we walk back inside. I get our mini suitcases that we will be taking on the plane and put them in the backseat of the car since there is no room in the back. I run back inside and grab my keys and small handbag that can hold my phone and purse. I sling it over my shoulder then walk back out to the car. It will be the last time for a while that I'm at the house. I take one quick look at it then get in the car. Ki follows closely behind. He throws his bag in the back then jumps in the driver side of the car.
"Let us go to the airport." He says. I laugh and put the radio on. For the half hour that we were in the car for we sung and had a good time. After a while we reach the airport. Our flight is at 2:00 and its 1:30 now. We rush our bags into the plane, get a quick bite to eat and then just on time our flight is called. We run to the gate, present our tickets and g on the plane. Thank god we made it on time.
When we get inside the plane and find our seats I take a breath of relief. We are traveling first class so I'm happy. Which is pretty much always.
"Could everyone please put your seat belts on as we we are getting ready for takeoff." A flight attendant announces. I out my seatbelt on as does Ki and within minutes we are flying.
After landing and going to the arrival gates to gather our luggage I see Wes. We quickly get our bags and run over to him.
"Hi Wes." I greet. He laughs.
"Hi Kaya. Hi Ki Hong." He says. Ki says hi too.
"Well the car is just out the front so you guys can go there if you want. I'm just waiting on Dexter then we will be on our way." He says. We say thank you and go to the limo that is waiting for us at the front.
We get in after giving our luggage to the driver who put it in the back.
"Hey guys." I say once I sit down next to Dylan. They all say hi back and we have a few laughs. Half an hour later everyone was here and we were able to go to the hotel.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now