Twenty nine

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This chapter is basically a summary of this book. I really appreciate you guys for reading this far and I have decided against doing a third book for the series so in sorry about that. So thanks again guys and I hope you enjoyed the book.

This is the summary here then we will get to the story.
I sit here on the couch with Ki and Teresa. Violet is at school and things are getting better for her. She won't ever forget about her past but her scars and bruises are fading and that she is happy about. Her parents have moved yet again so they are far away from us and her. Katie eventually got away from Ethan as he had to go back to Australia and her parents moved into the house next door so we get to see her just about everyday. Jess and Thomas just recently got engaged and Dylan and will are just being themselves. They had to move out of the amazing house that they had rented but no w we are all in the same area. We all still have our roles in the death cure so hopefully all goes well. As for us? Well we are doing well. Ki and I went on a honeymoon and had the best time. We went to Korea then London and it was so much fun and I got to do it with my man.

Now to the story
"Kaya! I'm home!" Violet shouts. I laugh at her. We have decorated the house since it's Halloween and Ki and Vi are going trick or treating. I really wanted to go but it would be too scary for Teresa so I said that it was fine and that I would go next year. Which I will. I love being a child when I'm not acting.
"Kaya. I have a question." Violet asks me.
"And what would that be vi?" I ask her.
"If I said I wanted to dress up as Teresa would you help me?" She asks and I smirk at her.
"Of course. Real Teresa is sleeping and won't wake up for a while." I say and just then Ki gets home from Dylan's.
"What are you smiling at?" He asks.
"Oh nothing just Vi wants to be Teresa so I was thinking you could go as Minho." I say and his face drops.
"No way Kaya. I want to at least dress up without knowing that I have had to use a script." He says and I frown.
"Please?!?! It would be awesome! And no doubt Dylan is going. Just please Ki. Just this once." I plead.
"Ok fine. Just this once. I'll call Dyl and tell them. We'll see if we can trick Thomas." He gives in them smiles. I smile too then go up into violets room to help her with the costume.

"Ok bye guys." I shout once they leave. We did trick Thomas and Dylan into going trick or treating as their maze runner characters. Dylan was more than happy to do it but it took a little convincing for Thomas and will to do it. Mainly Thomas. But we did it and they look just link the characters. Even Violet. Her hair is the exact same colour as mine so she really pulled it off. If only her eyes were blue...
"Well it looks like it just you and me terry." I say to my baby who is getting older everyday. She is nearly 12 months. Her birthday is coming very soon. Damn.

Throughout the entire night I was answering the door to kids and some adults who wanted some lollies which I gave them happily. Each and everyone of them freaked when they realised I live in the neighbourhood but said thanks then proceeded to the next house.

"Oh that was so much fun. And it was hilarious." Dylan says once they all come to the house.
"If only I was there." I say then walk over to them. Teresa was once again sleeping and I had been on my own for most of the night. They came back with so many lollies.
"Everyone's faces when they saw who we were. Priceless." Thomas is laughing.
"Bet you're happy you came now don't ya." Violet asks and they all nod. Except Ki. He didn't exactly have a choice.
"Well we better head off. See you guys tomorrow." Will says and we all wave them goodbye. Looks like they had a fun night.
"Well I'm going to bed. Thanks for coming Ki." Violet says and we bid her good night then she walks up the stairs and we go into the lounge. We watch a bit of tv and talk about everyone's faces when they saw them all.

Ki's POV
We had so much fun tonight and Kaya did such an amazing job on violets costume and makeup. She even did her hair perfectly. It really was a fun night and I can't believe all the boys came. We all looked like the actual characters from the movie. A majority of teens freaked out. Mainly girls. It was priceless.

Kayas POV. Another summary.
I'm so happy that I have a family. I have Violet, I have Ki and I have Teresa. Hopefully life only gets better it's time. Not worse. I love my life and can't wait for it to continue. Especially my career. One things is for sure though. We changed.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now