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When we reach the hospital the boys drop me off at the entrance and go to find a carpark. I run inside and see Jason sitting in the waiting room. I go up to him and tap him on the shoulder.

"Kaya? What are you doing here?" He asks. I can tell he hasn't gotten over the fact that he has an actress step daughter.

"What do you think? What room is she in?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since the crash." He says. I let out a breath of frustration and go to the reception.

"Katia Scodelario. Where is she?" I ask the lady behind the desk.

"Room 316. Third floor." She says. I thank her and go to the elevator. In the process I text the boys and tell them what floor and room I'll be in. I get an ok just as the doors open. I run down the corridor and find room 316. I take a deep breath with Jason behind me. He reassures me. I look up at him and nod.

"I think I'm finally warming up to you." I say. Smiling which makes him smile also. I look back at the door and open it. And there she is. Laying on the bed. In what looks to be a coma. I put my hands over my mouth and rush over to her. Her face has bruises all over, along with major cuts, she has wires all over her and what looks like a broken leg.

"MUM! Oh my god!" I say. Tears streaming down my cheeks. I sit down in the chair next to her and hold her hand.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about all the fighting. I'm sorry about everything that I have done to you. I'm sorry for everything. Just please make it through. Please make it." I say with silent tears streaming down my face.

As I sit there I hear the door open and close followed by gasps on how she looks. I ignore it all and look over at Jason who is also crying. I look back at her and feel arms embrace me. I lean into them and we just sit there. Finally I find the courage to talk.

"What happened?" I ask and look back over to Jason.

"I don't know. At first we were just driving along the freeway. Listening to the radio. Just having a good time. Talking. Your mum was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We were coming to surprise you. Anyway, as we were driving this idiot of a driver thought it would be a great idea to speed down our side of the road and didn't see us. It all happened in a blur. All so fast. He crashed into the drivers side mostly. Smashed the windscreen and windows. I got away with minor cuts, the other driver died on scene and well your mother. You can see." He says and motions toward her. I look over at her once again and that's when the noise that no-one wants to hear in a hospital. At first the beeping of the life support was fine. Then its just a solid line. Beeping continuously. I look over at the monitors wishing it wasn't real. But it was. Thomas goes to get a nurse and soon doctors and nurses are getting us out of the room, not bothering to close the door. I watch intently on what they're doing. The get a defibrillator and shock her then continue CPR. They do this for 10 minutes but, shes gone. Gone forever. That's when I let it all out. I turn into Ki's arms and just cry. Him soothing me and rubbing my back. I can't believe this. I feel another pair of arms embrace me but, it was hesitant. I hug him back. The hesitation gave it all away.

" I should call my dad." I say. They nod and we all walk to the elevator. We reach the bottom and walk to our cars. Except we give Jason a lift because he doesn't have a car.

We reach the house where Dylan has decided to meet us and Will is standing there also. I get out the car and Will hugs me. I hug him back.

"I'm so sorry to hear." He says.

"It's ok. It's not your fault." I reassure him. We walk in the house and I go straight to the backyard but, stop when I hear the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" I shout. I answer the door and open it. Standing there is my dad and brother.

"KAYA!" They shout. I'm shocked but hug them. Speechless. I look at Zac who is smiling.

"Kaya? Are you ok?" My dad asks.

"Uh no. Not really. And I was just about to call you. Come in and meet me outside." I say. They nod and walk inside. I close the door and lock it and go outside to see Zac with his feet in the pool. I laugh and smile at him.

"It only took me two minutes to get out here and you already have your feet in the pool?" I say to him. Smiling. For the first time today.

"Kaya! Who was at the door?" Ki asks. Standing at the door just as he finishes the question.

"Take a look genius." I say and he pokes his tongue at me.

"I will leave you guys alone." He says. I nod at him and he walks away.

"OK. Whats up?" My dad asks. I take a deep breath. Zac sits in my lap and I open my mouth.

"OK so. Mum was in a car accident. She was taken to the hospital in a critical condition so I visited her after my interview because her and Jason were visiting me also. As I was there her heart stopped. She didn't make it." I say. Zac and my dad start crying which makes me cry also. We hug each other and sit there. This could be all of us.

"I'm so sorry." I say and hug Zac tighter. He nuzzles his head into my neck. I kiss his forehead and we sit there in silence.

"And guys. One more thing. Jason is here. And before you say anything, he isn't that bad a guy. So please. Just give him a chance." My dad nods in agreement so I look at Zac. He has disapproval in his eyes so I give him my stern eyes and he gives in and nods. "Alright and please don't kill each other." Then I walk off to find my friends.

Hey guys. I literary almost cried while writing this chapter. So yes Kaya's mum dies:(. Please don't hate me for this. I hope you are enjoying the book so far and I will try to update often. School is about to go back which means I won't be updating as often so sorry about that.

So thanks for reading this far guys and hope you enjoy the chapters coming ahead. :)

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