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When we got to ComicCon, everyone saw us and screamed. Except for the security guards of course who, came over to us and stood in front of us so that we could get inside without being attacked by screaming fans.
When we got there we got to where everyone else was which, was in the common room. I say down next to Thomas and looked around. Everyone was here.
"Hey." I hear someone say. But it was most likely Thomas because it was a strong British accent.
"Hey Tommy. When did you get here?" I ask once I realise it was him.
"Not long before you." He says and I smile.
"So. What have you been doing in the two months that we had time off." I ask him. This time he smiles. Then frowns.
"Not much. Except Isabella has started trying to get back with me." He says. Then looks up at me. Oh god no.
"Come with me." I say. He looks confused but, gets up anyway and we go to the corner of the room behind everyone.
"Ok. Tell me the story from when it happened to now." I say.
"After the scorch trials filming and we were able to go back to where we live. When we got home I saw a note on the fridge saying 'look out tommy. You'll regret ever breaking up with me.' I look around and no one was there. Dylan and Will just thought I was a weirdo. The next day she came to the house and smirked at me. I tried to get rid of her but, she wouldn't go. Finally she did, after about a month she stopped which, probably means that something bad is gonna happen." He explains. I'm shocked.
"Why would she do this?" I ask him. He shakes his head.
"I don't know." He says. Then we're called to start ComicCon.
On our way to the table Ki came up to me. I smile and put my arm around his waist. He does the same.
"So what were you and Thomas talking about?" He asks.
"His ex. Apparently she's stalking him and trying get back with him. He's just worried about it." I say. He nods in understanding and we continue to walk.
When we got there we sat at our seats which, were conveniently next to each other.

(Skip ComicCon.)

After ComicCon we ended up sitting in chairs (again) to sign autographs and take photos. I have always loved doing this because, I get to meet all my fans. It makes me so happy.

(The next day)
Today we go to NerdHQ. I am upper excited but, something tells me Ki isn't. He is really nervous but, he hasn't been this nervous about something like this. Ever!
"Kaya! You ready?!" He shouts. That's more like him.
"Yeah. Coming down now!" I shout back. I run down the stairs and meet him downstairs.
"Let's go." He says. He is trying to act as if nothing is wrong but I know him. He keeps taking deep breaths. This is nothing new. If anything it is a little better than ComicCon and he wasn't even doing this. Something is up.
"Hey. You ok?" I ask once we take off. Ki was driving and I was enjoying myself in the passengers seat.
"Hmm? Oh I'm fine. Just a little nervous. That's all." He says. Trying to cover it up.
"Ki. I know you. You're not fine. You can tell me." I say softly. He just shakes his head.
"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He says. Now a little frustrated. I nod my head. Forgetting about it and listen to the radio. Mouthing the songs in the radio when I know them. It wasn't an awkward silence. Just one that we crave but, never get. Considering we are always with friends.
When we get to the studio I am impressed. I would've thought that the exterior would be like a steel shed with the name in it but, it wasn't. It was much more. It was the colours of the logo and definitely didn't look like a run down shed. Impressed by it I close the car door and walk to the studio with Ki walking along side me.
When we reach the common area we are greeted with the staff offering us any food. We smirk and order some ice cream with cookie dough and caramel in it. Entire tubs. They look at us weirdly but, walk off to grab it. I have a feeling that they will either just give us regular ice cream or, go to the shops and get it from there. Man I hope they go to the shops.
After waiting for 5 minutes Dylan, Will and Thomas walk in.
"Hey guys!" Dylan yells. Will greets us also but Thomas looks really nervous about something. Then sure enough, he taps my shoulder and asks me to talk to him. I nod and walk off to wherever he wants to go.
"Is it?" I ask. Not wanting to say her name.
"Yeah. She's been sending letters with threats. I just don't know what to do." He says. I give him a hug.
"It'll be fine. If you want you can stay with me and Ki for a while." I say.
"That'll be fine. Will it be ok with him though?" He asks. I nod.
"Of course. It's my house too now." I say and he smiles.
"Ok. Sounds like a plan." I say and walk back and thank the heavens the food is here.

"Could the scorch trials cast please report to backstage. The scorch trials cast backstage please. Thank you." The announcer says.
"Sounds like that's us." Wes says and we laugh.
"Yep." I say. Popping the 'p'.

"Hello and welcome to NerdHQ. Today and we have a very special treat and that is he scorch trials cast! Today we have Dylan O'brien, Thomas Brodie Sangster, Ki Hong Lee, Kaya Scodelario, Rosa Salazar, Giancarlo Esposito, Wes Ball and James Dashner!" As he said our names we walk out onto the stage and sit down in our seats. I sit next to Ki on the couch they had. "Hey guys. So how are you all today?" He asks.
"I think we're all pretty good." Rosa answers.
"I think she's right." I say.
"Ok so today we are going to have fan Q&A." He says. "So would anyone like to ask a question?" Instantly almost the entire rooms hands shoot up. The announcer picks a girl near the front.
"Hi so my name is Jessica and my question is what was it like on the scorch trials set? Because I can imagine it would be a lot more different to the maze." She asks then sits down.
"Uh yeah. It was a pretty humid set. So it was humid." Dylan answers.

(45 minutes later)
"Alright guys well thank you for coming and meeting some of your fans. I'm sure they are all stoked that they got to meet you. But, before we go I think Ki wanted to do something." The guy says. Confused I look at Ki who smirks.
"Ah yeah. Thanks." He gets up and looks at me.
"Kaya. I met you when we first got to the maze runner set. I was one if the ones to comfort you when you had that nightmare. I was so happy and being around you everyday makes me even happier. I feel as if I'm so glad to have you. You are the funniest person I know and everything we do together makes me even happier. So Kaya Scodelario," He says then gets down on his knee and pulls out a box. I put my hands over my mouth. Tears threatening to spill over my eyes.
"Will you marry me?" He asks. By now I am crying.
"Yes! Say yes!" The crowd is all shouting. As is the cast and Thomas is looking over at me and Dylan is whistling. I nod my head rapidly.
"Yes!" I say. A smile forms on his face as he slides ring on my finger. I give him a hug and cry. I cry happily and he just hugs me tightly.
"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you too." I whisper back.
"And that concludes the show. Thank you for coming out." And with that we get to head off the stage.
"So that is what you were so worried about." I say as we walk off. He chuckles but nods.
"Congrats to the newly engaged couple." Dylan says. We smile and thank him.
"Well. Time to go." I say. Ki nods his head and we leave.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now