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The next day when I wake up I see Ki still sleeping. The events of yesterday came rolling into my mind and I smile. I'm so happy about what he did. He makes me so happy. Yeah sure, acting and everything makes me happy also but this, him. He is just an amazing person.
I look at the ring and it is beautiful. It has small diamond and is very simple. The outline of it is also small diamonds.
I roll over and check the time on my phone. 10:30. Time to get up. Careful to not wake up my new fiancé, I get up and go to the kitchen and start making pancakes.
After I make the batter I out it in the fridge to let it settle and decide to call my dad. Maybe my mum, depending on how we go.
I dial my dads number and call it.
"Hello?" He asks once he picks up the phone.
"Dad hey. It's Kaya." I say. A smile in my voice.
"Kaya. I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you! How are you?" He asks.
"I'm great actually and I have some really great news!" I say.
"Me and Ki...are engaged!" I shout but, not too loudly.
"Kaya. That's great! When did that happen?" He asks.
"Yesterday. He did it in an interview." I explain. I hear him gasp.
"Oh well. That great. Well I'm really sorry but, I have to go. And tell your mother. She'll want to know." He says then hangs up the phone.
Doing what my dad said, I dialled my mums phone and told her the news. This time she wasn't as excited as what I would've thought. I hung up the phone on her and by then it was time to cook the pancakes.
As I was cooking the pancakes I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist. Making me jump a little. But, I knew it was Ki.
"Hey." I say and look up.
"Hey. Whatcha makin'?" He asks. I laugh.
"What does it look like genius." I say and look up at him.
"Hmm. Pancakes!" He says. I nod and point over to the bench. He turns around and runs over.
"Ki! Leave some for me. Okay?" I tell him. He nods slowly then walks into the lounge with 3 pancakes on his plate.
When I finish with the pancakes, I put some in the fridge for future use after grabbing some for me.
As we are watching tv, the thought of me offering for Thomas to sleep over comes to my mind.
"If I said we had a friend staying over here for a while. What would your reacting be?" I ask. Out of the blue.
"Depends who it is." He says.
"Thomas." I answer.
"I wouldn't mind. Why?" He asks. A little confused.
"Ok. I might as well tell you the story. So, the year we started filming the maze runner was also the year Thomas broke up with his girlfriend, Isabella. She cheated on him. I was there. Anyway, it has been what? 2 years since then and only now is she realising the biggest mistake in her life. So, first she started coming to the house and telling Thomas that she's so sorry and that she never meant to hurt him and all that then. It got  a little much. After a month of begging, she stopped. Then she started sending letters. Threats to be exact. So, I told Thomas yesterday that he was more than welcome to stay here for a little. If it's ok with you." I explain.
"Ok 1. I've met her. She's a bitch. 2. Of course he can stay here. As long as she doesn't find out where we live then it's cool." He says and I smile. Just then the doorbell rang.
I look at Ki confused but, I get up to answer the door. I open it and standing there is Tommy (for all you TBS fans).
"Hi Kaya." He says.
"Hey Tommy. Here already?" I ask. Smirking.
"Maybe." He says. I smile and open the door a little wider so that he can come in and dump his bags.
"Ok. Two things. First thing is. Me and Ki are trying to decide on dates for the engagement party and the wedding dates and I haven't done the guest bedroom yet." I say. He nods and I tell him to dump his bags inside the door and I will move them in a bit.
"Who was that?" Ki asks once I sit back down with my laptop.
"Who do you think it was?" I hear the familiar British accent. I smirk.
"Hey Tommy." Ki says. Smirking.
"Hi Ki. So what are you guys doing?" He asks, sitting down on the couch next to me.
"I told you at the door genius." I say and he smiles.
"Ok so, when are we available?" I say. I look at the calendar to see when we are in fact, available.
"So when do we want the engagement party?" I ask Ki. "Oh and Thomas." He turns to look at me. "You can pitch in to if you want." I say and he smiles.
"I was thinking sometime next week." He says and I look at him.
"Are you sure about that?" I ask and he nods.
"Yeah. Unless it's too soon." He says.
"I was thinking next month. I wasn't thinking so soon." I say and he nods.
"Fair enough. So how about October?" He asks. I check my calendar and check the dates.
"We could do the 5th. It's the only time any of us are available." I say. I look at them and they nod. I write that on the calendar and go to sit down this time, with the calendar with me.
"Ok so. The wedding. I was thinking summer. Or Spring. Considering its at that country house. Where it's at its nicest." I say. Ki agrees but, Thomas looks at me. I laugh.
"You want to see it now. Don't you?" I ask him and he smiles sheepishly. I laugh but, open my laptop and go to the website. Thomas is impressed.
"While we're on here we should check to see the dates. See which ones suit us best." I suggest. Ki agrees.
"Ok so in March, it's available on the 20 and the 25 or in January it's available on the 25th or the 26th." I say. I look at the boys and Ki agrees on the 26th of January. I do too and ring them up and book it. When that's done I smile. Now for my favourite bit. The invites.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now