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We arrived at the restaurant and it's packed! It's a good thing I booked in on the way here. The restaurant was an RSL but they are always popular. Especially during the holidays and besides the food here is amazing.
We walk in with Violet silently walking beside me and find our table. I tell Ki what drink I want which is a Sprite since I have to suffer 9 months without alcohol. Oh well.
"Ok what do you guys want?" I ask them.
"Could I please have a bowl of nachos." Zac asks. I instantly think of an answer.
"No. You know you're not allowed that Zac so dint think that it will be different when you're with me." I tell him and he pouts.
"Please?!" He begs.
"No. Pick something else or I will." I tell him.
"Uh fine. Could I please have a cheeseburger." He says.
"Yes. Violet hun what would you like?"
"Could I please have a chicken parmigiana." She asks.
"Sure." I respond. Soon Ki comes back with the drinks and I go up to order our food. I'm starving!
When I come back from ordering a crowd has already formed around the table. Oh no. As I get closer I catch onto what was being said.
"Omg can I please have your autograph? I love you as Minho in the maze runner!" One girl screams the pen when she gets what she wants she runs off crying with happiness. Then I hear one thing that caught my attention.
"Who are you? Last time I checked Kaya wasn't already a mother so what are you doing here? And what happened to your face?" One girl asks with hate and confusion.
"Hey!" I shout and run over to the table and put the knives and forks on the table. When the girls see who I am they scream except for the girl who insulted Violet. They all rush toward me and ask for things. I quickly sign everything then the girl that I heard insult Violet comes toward me.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't realise she as with you." She apologises this walks away with guilt.
"Vi, you Ok?" I ask and she nods and gives me a hug.
"Ki I need to talk to you." I tell him. He nods and we walk to a section where it wasn't crowded.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Ok before I say anything promise me you will have my full attention." He nods. "Ok. As you know violets parents came and well you know. I of course cut in and told them to stop. They think that she deserved what they do to her and that she was a mistake and everything. So I may or may not have convinced them that we would take her in as our own." I say and Ki's face goes through three different emotions. First confusion then what looked like anger then happiness.
"That's. Great!" He says and I smile at the fact that he isn't mad.
"Really?" I ask and he nods. "Ok well we better get back to the table." I say and we quickly walk back. I go onto my Twitter account and post a status update. Hanging with the family. Love u guys😘😘😘. After I post it (i mentioned Ki in the post) Ki instantly gets a notification from Twitter. He just smiles at it and I smile back. Then an idea hits me.
"Selfie!" I say and instantly Ki and Violet crowd around me. "1...2...3" I say and I push the button and post it on Instagram and Facebook and Pi the same caption except this one says and hanging with the family with our new daughter Violet! (Plz don't hate ur she is adopted. You would understand why if you knew her story.) I say then post it after tagging Ki in it.

When we get home from dinner I smile as I feel the baby kick. This has been happening a lot so it makes me happy. Right now it's only 8:30 but we only came home early because we kept getting fans attention. So now we sit on the couch watching tv. Violet is sitting next to me because we are really close.
"Kaya?" She asks me and I turn my head.
"What's up." I ask.
"What will happen when your fans find out. I mean I'm a huge fan and you just took me in because of my background. What happens when I get hate because of it?" She asks me and I give her a sympathetic smile.
"Don't worry. My fans are amazing so..." I say trailing off. She knew where I was heading anyway.
"Well I'm going to go to bed because I'm exhausted so I'll see you guys in the morning." I announce then walk up the stairs.
When I reach my room I walk in and practically collapse onto the bed. I'm so tired.

Hey guys so yes I know. A shirt chapter but I had no other ideas for this one but the next one will be longer, I promise. Thanks to everyone who is reading this story. It means so much to me. Once again sorry for the short chapter.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now