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When I take Jess up to Tommy their faces drop. I'm a little confused as to why they are. Please don't have history.
"Guys? You ok?" I ask them. Thomas shakes his head.
"What is she doing here?"
"What is HE doing here?" They ask me.
"How do you guys know each other?" I ask.
"She's one of my ex girlfriends." Thomas says through gritted teeth. Well there goes that pang of hope.
"What? Alright let's go outside and you two are telling me the entire story." I say. They look at each other and Jess looks...upset.
We get outside and we sit in a chair each. I face them and tell them to begin.
"I was walking on the streets of London. Excited to see you for that Christmas party with the family. I was on my phone, just walking and minding my own business. But of course I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and..." Jess explains but Tom cuts her off.
"And I ran into her. She fell to the ground and that's when I saw her. I took her to a Starbucks to make up for what I did. After that I gave her my number and walked off. Leaving her there. Then each week we started dating and... You can see where this is going." Thomas tries to stop it there. I let him. I just have to ask a question.
"Ok I get that but, what happened?" I ask.
"Thomas was there for a few months. Just visiting family." Jess says. I smile. Remembering that time. Me, Will and Dylan had the best times!
"I fell for him. I didn't want him to go but I knew he had to. I mean I was freaking out considering I had met Thomas Sangster but, he left. Broke it off because he knew that wouldn't work out." Jess says. A little upset. I give her a hug.
"You guys could've though. I mean Jess if you ever wanted to come here for a while but didn't have the money you know that I will always give you some and really Tommy? Couldn't tell me sooner?" I ask/explain. He shrugs.
"I didn't want you to know that I had hurt her and I was also hurting. I didn't want to leave but I had to." He says.
"Kaya!" I turn around and Ki is standing there.
"Ok fine. You guys work things out. I'm going to enjoy myself." I say and walk off. Giving Ki a hug as I walk past him.

It hit 12:00 and me and Ki decided that it was time to go. We tried to get Thomas to come but he just said that he'll come home with Jess. I laugh at him but go along with it. I say goodbye to everyone and go to the car where Ki is waiting.
"Your family's nice." He says and I smile.
"They are. Aren't they?" I say and giggle.
"I'm serious though. They welcomed me in like they had known me forever." He says.
"We have that type if tendency." I say and smile.
"Too bad you had to get to know them at my mums funeral reception." I say. Frowning a bit.
"Yeah. Too bad." He says. After that all conversation was dropped and we enjoyed the peace while it lasted. Though it wasn't that long because the reception was only 10 minutes away. But we still savoured it.

When we reach the house I unlock the door (because I drove and was the least drunk out of the both of us) and walk in. Ki walks in too and goes up to our room. I follow him and we open our bedroom door. I start getting into my pyjamas and sit down on the bed. When Ki finishes pitting his in he comes up with the excellent idea of watching a movie. We settle on our favourite romantic comedy and settle into bed.
Halfway through the movie Ki rolls over to look at me. A little creeped out I face him.
"Whatcha doin'?" I ask.
"What are you talking about?" He asks. Smirking.
"Well you're watching me for no apparent reason. Why?" I ask. He smirks even more.
"I'm just admiring your beauty." He says. Then attaches his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss and kiss back. Soon Ki is on top of me and his hands are trying to get my top off. He soon succeeds and I do the same to his. I look at his abs and trace them with my finger. He shivers under my touch and attaches his lips to my neck. When he hits my sweet spot I can't help but moan. He smirks against my skin and starts biting and sucking on that part. Then he tries to take off my bra and when he keeps failing (which makes me laugh) he curses under his breath. I take it off myself and he starts kissing my breasts. I moan and he sucks on my nipples. Soon I decide that enough is enough and take off his pants and boxers. He does the same to me and soon we are both naked. I give him a teasing smirk and start kissing his manhood. He moans and I smirk. Then I lick up and down it but I after I teased him I start sucking on it which makes him moan even louder.
"Ok. My turn." He says then gives me a playful smirk. I come back up kissing all the way up. He gives me a few kisses on the breasts then goes down to my area. I moan as his tongue explores. I feel him smirk then enough is enough as it is for him. He comes back up then slides in. I moan and he smiles against my neck.
This is going to be the best night of my life.

The next morning I wake up. Tired and a little sore. At first I'm confused then last nights memories came flooding back. The tv was still on b the dvd hadn't started again. Thankfully. I try to get up but Ki's arm is pinning me down. Not wanting to wake him I carefully lift his arm off my still naked body and get up. Bad idea. As soon as I move I feel a liquid travel up my throat. I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Probably just a hangover I think to myself. Then have a quick shower.
After my shower I hop out, dry myself off and wrap the towel around my body and get another one to dry my hair. When I finish drying my hair I walk into our room and choose the simple outfit of jeans and a top. Just then I hear vomiting. Knowing it didn't come from Ki I run outside the room and to the guest bedroom. Knowing that Thomas is in there. Then I remember that Thomas is leaving today. Nooooooo. After I come back to reality I realise that i have reached the main bathroom of the house. I still hear the gagging and I knock on the door. No response came so I open the door slightly to find Jess. Over the toilet bowl.
"Jess? You ok?" I ask. She shakes her head and I hold her hair back for her. Which thankfully isn't already covered in puke. When she finishes she flushes the toilet and stand up.
"What was that all about?" I ask. Confused. She laughs.
"Don't know." Then just as she says that complete and utter horror crosses her face.
"Kaya. I need to get to the drug store." She says. Then realisation hits my face.

Ohhhh. Who saw that coming? I bet you all did. Haha. I hope you are enjoying this story so far and I wonder what will happen in the next chapter? Because honestly I have no idea. Lol.
So guys remember if you are enjoying this story please vote and share. Hope you enjoy the rest.😄😄😄

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