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When I get inside I am instantly embraced into hugs by Dylan and Will. I laugh and hug them back.
"Alright guys you can let go now." I say but they don't let go. "Guys?" I tap Dylan on the shoulder.
"Yes?" Will asks.
"You can let go now." I say. They sigh but let go. I smile in victory and go to find Jason who is no doubt, trying to find somewhere to sleep.
I reach upstairs and look in all the rooms. Then finally I find him in the last spare room we have in the house. I knock on the door trying not to startle him but failing. He jumps and I smile.
"Hey." I say and walk into the room and see the picture he way holding. It's of me and Ki a few weeks after we first met.
"Hey Kaya. This photo is cute." He says. I smile at the thought. We had just finished the scene where I throw things off the watchtower. It was really fun. Then that night we went out for dinner.
"I remember that photo. It was a few weeks after we met." I say. I smile goofily at the thought.
"I can tell. It reminds me of when I first met your mother. Except it was at a bar." He says and I laugh.
"It's ok. I miss her too." I say. I can see the tears building up in his eyes. I run his back and reassure him that it will get better.
"If you want you can go outside. Maybe have a swim in the pool. Go for a walk." I suggest. He nods and then I have a thought.
"Oh and my dad and brother are here too so if you don't mind, would it possible to sleep on the floor in the lounge? I can lay down a mattress." I say. He nods and I thank him then walk out into the corridor.

When I get to the bottom I hear yelling and I know for a fact that isn't good. It sounds like Ki and my dad. Oh no.
It was coming from the kitchen so, I hide behind the wall and listen in.
"Yes I know. It's just that I had no contact of you without making Kaya suspicious. Please sir. Just let me. Please." Ok so that was Ki and I now know what they are fighting about.
"I understand that but you should've come to me first." And that was my dad. Noes my time.
"Ok what the hell is going on now?" I ask. Just a little frustrated. "Oh wait I know. Because I'm gong to be honest here. I was listening to you guys. So dad. Yes me and Ki are engaged. Now I am aware that he didn't ask you. I get that. But we love each other so please let us. Ki take my phone and insert his number." I say. I pass Ki my phone and he walks out of the room.
"Ok dad. Look at me. Then think. When was the last time you saw me this happy to be dating someone?" I ask. He thinks but I know that he doesn't need to.
"Never?" He asks and I nod.
"Exactly. And now I'm engaged to someone I love! And you are going to ruin it because Ki didn't ask permission to marry me?" I clarify.
"Well Kaya. I know you're happy. And I'm happy for you. I just wanted to make sure that he's the right guy." He says.
"But he is. Now, here is an invitation to the party and I expect you too be there." I say and walk out.
When I walk out I see Zac sitting near the pool with his feet in the water. I walk over there and sit next to him. I give him a hug and that was when he noticed me.
"I'm going to miss her Kaya. I know she pulled a divorce and all but she was still our mum. I'm going to miss her so much." He says. I give him another hug and and once again he cries into my chest. I rub his back soothingly and soon he calms down. Just as he pulls away we feel water squirt in our faces.
"You guys are so going to get it." I growl and get a water pistol, fill it up and squirt them. They use theirs as a defence but use all of their water. I continue to squirt them and soon mine has run out too.
"Ok! Water fight!" I shout. Soon Ki, Jason and my dad run through the door to see all the commotion and soon we are all having a water fight.
"Ok guys! Stop! Stop! I have an idea. How about we split off into 2 teams. Me and Ki as the captains." I suggest. They all agree to that.
"Ok Will." Ki picks.
Soon we have everyone on our teams and we are ready to play.
"Make sure you are near a water tap. Then it's fair." I say. Then we run off into positions. We go to the front of the house. We do a game plan then it's game on. Me and Thomas stand at the home base and wait for people to come.
"Shoot them!" I hear someone say then water is on me. Damn it. I shoot them back which makes them retreat back to their base because they are temporarily out.
When they leave I make sure no one is coming then quickly get out a water ballon and fill it up.
"Where in the world did you get that?" Thomas asks. I smirk.
"I keep an extra packet hidden here." I say just as I finish tying it up. Just in time too because Ki comes around the corner and squirts me. I throw the balloon at him and it hits him.
"Why you little..." He says. I laugh at wave at him.
"Love you Ki!" I shout just as he rounds the corner. I laugh at his sulking and fill up more balloons. Soon we have enough so that our whole team can have one plus two. I hand them out and we arm ourselves. Dylan had heard that they're all coming in one team so we ready ourselves for the attack. Sure enough they all come. Screaming really funny battle calls. We throw the balloons then when we ran out we squirt them. Each of them had to go back to their base several times but they always came back.
When we are soaked through to the bone we decide that it's game over and that my team won. Ah today was fun.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now