Twenty Six

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The wedding day
Today is the day I get married. Married to someone I know I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm anxious to get out of this car because the girls say I have to look perfect.
"Girls. It's fine. Really. Ki won't care how I look." I say and they instantly stop. We arrive at the church that we are having our wedding at and I see what I don't want to see. Cameras and reporters. Shit!
"Kaya? This doesn't look so good." Katie tells me as we pull up.
"It's not like I can tell them to piss off. They won't listen. I'll just have to put up with it." I say and they shrug.
"She has a point." Rosa claims.
"See? Kate are you OK with this? I mean you've never has time deal with the media before." I ask her and she nods.
"I'll be fine." She says. I nod my head and get out of the car.

We get to the room where the girls will once again make sure I'm ready before they have to go out. My bridesmaids are Katie, Jess and Rosa. Ki's best men are Thomas, Dylan and Will. Katie slightly freaked out that she would be walking out with Dylan. Her reaction was priceless!

"Ok guys. I need to know who you would like to walk with at the wedding. Katie you're first." I say and Katie thinks for a minute.
"I don't really care who I go with really. I mean I love you all so..." She says and I nod. We go through everyone until we reach a conclusion.
"Ok Kate and Dylan will be walking together." Ki announces. We were waiting for it to be a surprise so no one knew who would be our bridesmaids and groomsmen until this meeting.
"Up I can't be serious? I'm waking with Dylan? OMG. This cannot be happening." She freaks leaving us with entertainment.
"Never knew a meeting could be this funny." Will says and I slap him on the arm.
"Hey she's still not used to me. Don't judge. But yes it is a little funny." I say and I soon feel sorry for her so I bring her upstairs so I can tell her that it's no big deal.
End o flashback.

I remember that day like it was yesterday when really it was a month after the party. Katie had been staying with us while her parents went back to Australia since they had decided that they would move to Baton Rouge and into our neighbourhood. They hadn't finished packing yet so they couldn't make it to the wedding but still gave us our wishes for the future.
"Girls? It's time." My dad says and they squeal just a little and walk to the door where they will link arms with their partner. Katie was freaking out but I had given her a few lessons to help her hide it. They were hilarious but we got there in the end. I soon hear the music play and they walk down. My brother was the ring bearer so my friends were more than happy to look after Teresa. Especially Sam.
"I can't believe the day has come." My dad says once he walks into the room. I smile at him.
"Well you know." I say and give him a hug.
"You've grown up so fast." He says and I could tell that he had tears in his eyes.
"Aww dad. Don't cry." I say once I notice the tears rolled down his face. "Selfie?" I ask and he smirks. I put the hashtag wedding and smile at it. Soon I hear the music playing and I link arms with my dad.
We walk down the aisle with tears in our eyes. I smile at everyone who came and when I came to the end I saw Gabi nursing Jess' baby Jackson. Him and Teresa get along really well.
"We are gathered here today in holy matrimony to celebrate Ki Hong Lee and Kaya Scodelarios wedding." The priest starts but I zone out and just focus on Ki who is looking handsome. He is wearing a black tux as are the boys with a white flower in the pocket. Me on the other hand is wearing a lace dress that has silk behind the back of it making it smooth against my skin.

After a bit we finally get to the vows. The priest asks me to say my vows first. I take a deep breath and start.
"Ki I first met you in real life 3 years ago at the hotel we stayed at for the filming of the maze runner. You were so sweet when you found out how much I cared for my brother and still are. You made me laugh and smile and rarely cry. You have just been amazing and not only are you my lover you are one of my best friends and I couldn't ask for anything more. I love you so much you have no idea. Words can't explain." I finish and there are slight tears in his eyes. One drips down and I wipe it away with my thumb which makes him smile. The it's his turn to say ins vows which will no doubt make me cry.
"Right well hopefully I can top that." Ki starts off which makes everyone laugh. Including me. "Kaya. You have been the closest friend and girlfriend I could ever have. You were always there for me and helped me with everything. Even when it came to my crazy family. You have been so funny and so sweet. You even kept your cool when you got really mad and I couldn't be more grateful to have someone like you. Kaya I can't wait to spen the rest of my life with you and I have been looking forward to this day since I met you that first day at the hotel." By now tears are streaming down my face. "Kaya I love you so much." He finishes and wipes away the tears that are still on my cheeks.
"So do you Ki Hong Lee, take Kaya Scodelario to be your be wedded wife. I sickness and in health. To love and to cherish?" The priest asks.
"I do."
"And do you Kaya Scodelario take Ki Hong Lee to be your be wedded husband. In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish?"
"I do." I say. Barely above a whisper.
"Well then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest announces and almost instantly Ki presses his lips to mine. I kiss back and even though I know that right now the cameras are flashing I don't care. I have Ki for the rest of my life and I couldn't be happier.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now