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As we were sitting in the limo we were talking about various places that we could go to while we had the day off.
In the end we just decided we would walk around and see what there was and see what we could do. Blending in with the crowd though is going to prove to be a challenge.

When we reached the hotel we grabbed out disguises and our purses/wallets and went into the lobby which, was thankfully empty.
"Ok. Let's go." Will says. We all walk out and turn right and start toward the shops. Kat, Rosa, Nathalie and I went into a lot of clothes shops. At first the boys would follow us in because apparently they had great taste and thought we wouldn't be in the shops long then, decided it would be best if we just met up at the food court. We all laugh at the boys but, agree anyways.
While we were in forever 21 (I don't know if forever 21 is in New Mexico so please just go along with it) I see someone walking out the front of the shop. Someone who looks really familiar. I shake it off and continue looking at cute clothes.
After around half an hour we decide that we're hungry and go to the food court where the boys are. Ki looks at me and he looks really nervous. About what? I don't know.
"Hey girls." Thomas says. Ok. He's nervous too.
"Guys are you ok? Because you all look and sound really nervous." I say. The girls agree and continue to look at them.
"Kaya. We saw your mum." Dylan says. Sympathetically.
"No. She wouldn't be here. There is no reason for her to be here." I say. They look at me but, I can see something else going around in their heads.
"We did. She was with her boyfriend." Thomas says. I take a shaky breath and shake it off once again. It's probably nothing.
"Well. I'm going to get some food. Do you guys want any?" Kat asks.
"I'll have some hot chips and a Sprite please." I say. She nods and walks off once everyone had told them their orders. Nathalie went with her to help her remember and carry the food.
"You don't believe us. Do you." Will asks. Breaking the silence.
"No. I do. I saw her too. I just thought my eyes were decieving me or something." I say and laugh.
"Sorry. They weren't." Ki says. I laugh.
"Obviously not."
"Kaya?" I hear my name.
"Speak if the devil." I say and smile. Rosa looks really awkward so I explain to her about what has happened and she soon understands.
"What do you want now?" I ask once she comes over.
"Kaya. I'm your mother. I don't deserve the cold shoulder. I won't stop saying sorry until you accept it." She says as if these apologies are normal for her.
"Well you can say sorry all you want but, it's not going to cut it." I say and turn around. Kat and Nath come over just as I say that and now they are really confused. Thomas and Ki explain to them the situation and silently nod their heads. They hand out the food and I eat mine.
"Kaya. I do care about you. Look, I know what happened isn't something that anyone wanted and I know that it happened so suddenly but, I really don't deserve this." She says. Pleading.
"I really don't care mum. I really don't." I say. Then she walks off but, Jason doesn't follow her.
"Uh. I'm Jason-." He goes to say but I cut him off.
"Yeah. I know who you are." I say.
"I'm sorry. By the way." And with that he walks off but, not before dropping something on the table. I grab it and open it. I gasp. It's an invitation.

She said yes!
Please join Katia Scodelario and Jason Oliver at their wedding and engagement party!
Party will be held on September 19 and will start at 6:00pm. And will be held at the soccer rooms.
Wedding will be help on December 30 at Louisiana. More details to come.
Hope you can make it😄😄😄

I put the letter on the table and everyone crowds around it to read it. She has been cheating a lot longer than expected. So I call my dad.

Bold= dad normal= Kaya
Dad hi. It's Kaya.
Oh hi Kaya. I was about to call you.
Looks like I beat you to it.
Looks like you did. What did you want to talk about?
I just wanted to ask. How long ago did mum bring up the topic of the divorce?
About 3 months before she told you. Why?
Why were you about to call me?
Because I got an invitation.
So did I. Was it a wedding one?
Yeah. You got the same. Didn't you?
Yeah. I did. I'm so sorry.
Don't be. Are you going to go?
Don't know. Well I gotta go. Bye dad.
Bye princess.
With that the conversation was over. I take another shaky breath and we all decide that we should go back to the hotel. I of course agree and we all head back. We weren't exactly that far away from the hotel so, it didn't take long.
We get to our hotel rooms and unlock them. One by one we walk in and do whatever. I had collected the invite before we left and I studied it. I was deciding if I should go or not. I was really confused as to what I wanted to do. Though it also seems as if she's stalking me. Then I decide to call her.
"Hello?" She asks. Oblivious as to who it is.
"Hi mum." I say.
"Kaya hi. Listen I-." She goes to say when I cut her off.
"How long have you been dating Jason. And please be honest." I say. I'm standing in the balcony and sitting on a deck chair.
"2 years." OMG!
"What?!" I shriek. Ki hears and I tell him everything is fine and that I'll tell him later. He understands and goes back to the bed to watch some tv.
"Listen Kaya. Yes. I have been cheating on your father. I'll be honest about that but, please understand that I didn't love your father anymore. Please understand." She pleads and I can tell she is on the verge of tears. I can't believe this.
"No. I don't understand. Why would you do that when all you ever wanted was to have the perfect family?" I ask. Tears blurring my vision.
"Because I found someone better and someone who pays attention to me and someone who cares about me. Listen. I have to go." And with that she hung up. I run inside and into Ki's arms and cry.
"Kay what is it? What did she do now?" He asks. Rubbing my back up and down.
"I found out how long she had been dating Jason for." I say.
"It's not good isn't it?" He asks. I shake my head. Nope. "Can I ask how long for?" He asks again.
"2 years." This earns a slight gasp.
"What!?" Now he is furious.
"Ki its ok. I dot want to get into the details." And with that we start watching whatever was on the tv.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now