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When the movie was over we went out of the cinema. I was really pleased with it.
"That movie was awesome!" I say and they smile.
"Hate to say it but, I agree." Thomas says. I nudge him in the arm but smile at the same time.
"Hey guys what's the time?" I ask.
"1:00. Why?"
"We have an interview at 3:30. I forgot to tell you." I say. They shrug. Of course.
"We still have what? 2 and half hours. We'll be fine." Ki says. I sigh but go along with it.
"So what will we do in the meantime?" I ask. The shrug.
"Well let's do options. We can either walk around the mall, we can make a guest list or, we can go to the studio now and we won't be in a rush." I suggest. They look at each other and I can see in their eyes that they have settled on something. Jesus Christ.
"Guest list." "Studio." They say at the same time. I laugh at them.
"Im sorry but please repeat." This time they say the same thing. "Guest list it is then." I say and drive off with Thomas in shotgun. And Ki sulking in the back.
"So. While we're in here doing nothing. Who do we want to come to the engagement party?" I ask.
"Well of course our maze runner and scorch trials friends." Thomas says. I look at him.
"They were already coming. Like outside movies and fame friends." I say. Thomas nods and Ki sits there thinking.
"I know this is a long shot but-" Ki goes to say but I catch into what he was about to say.
"I don't know if we should invite her. I mean yeah sure she invited us but I don't know if we should." I say.
"We should at least give her an invite and if she comes she comes. You don't necessarily need to be with her for the entire night." Thomas suggests.
"Ugh fine. She can come." I say.
"Ok. No doubt you're inviting your brother and your dad. Most likely your friends also." Ki says. I nod.
"Yep. Now over to your friends. Surely you have more than just cast friends." I say and he nods. By now we have reached the house so we go inside and print out the invites.
"Ok. Printing is done. Now it's time to write out the names." I groan. I write out enough names for us all so we get done faster.
"Ok. Let's do this." I say and get a black texta and write out the first name.
As I'm writing the 10th name I get a phone call from an unknown number. A little confused I answer it.
"Hi yes. Is this Kaya Scodelario?" A girl asks.
"If this is a fan then I really need to go because I'm busy." I say.
"Ok yes I am a fan but this isn't what this is about. It's about your mum. She's been in an accident." She says. I put my pen down and walk outside.
"Ah what happened?" I ask. Not believing it.
"Your mum was in a car accident this morning. She is in a stable condition but there is a chance she won't make it overnight." She tells me. I check the time. 3:00. I sigh.
"Do you think I could visit her in an hour?" I ask.
"Yes. That would be fine."
"What hospital is she in?" I ask.
"She is at the local Baton Rouge hospital." She tells me.
"Ok thank you." I say and hang up the phone. I walk back inside and the boys are staring at me.
"What was that about?" Ki asks. Standing up from the table and walking over to me.
"My mum was in a car accident. She must've been visiting because she's in the local hospital." I tell them.
"Well is she ok?" Thomas asks. I shake my head.
"There is a possibility that she won't make it through the night." I tell them. They nod their heads.
"Well. Let's hope she does." Ki says and I nod my head. We get back to work when the doorbell rings. 10 minutes later.
"What now?" I groan and answer the door. Standing there is Jason. Looking very battered but probably not as bad as my mum.
"Jason what are you doing here?" I ask. A little shocked.
"We came to visit but I'm guessing you already know about your mother." I nod my head.
"Shouldn't you be with her?" I ask then check the time. 3:15. We have to go.
"Well. It was nice seeing you but we have an interview we have to attend to so we should get going." I say. Jason nods his head in understanding and I get the boys. They put down all their stuff and and we walk out the door.
"Bye Jason." I say and go to the car and get in the backseat.

15 minutes later

"Ok. We made it on time." I say and the boys laugh. Just then the interviewer comes and sees us.
"Guys. You are just on time. Kaya, you will have an interview with Dylan and Ki and Thomas will be together." We nod in understanding and wait for the others to show up. Sure enough, 5 minutes later Dylan and Wes show up. Just in time too because it is time to go on. It's me and Dylan first. Yay.

(During the interview. Last question.)
"Ok guys so, before you go. I have another question for you. If you had to fight 100 cranks or 100 grievers, which one would you choose?" The interviewer asks.
"Uhh wow. That's a hard one." Dylan says and I laugh.
"100 grievers. Because honestly, cranks scare me." I say and laugh.
"100 cranks. Mainly because I hate grievers so." Dylan answers and we laugh.
"Ok guys. Thank you for being on the show and answering questions. Don't forget to see the scorch trials in cinemas now! Next we will have Ki Hong Lee and Thomas Brodie Sangster after this break." The interviewer says. We get off the chairs and walk backstage.

When everything is finished I check the time. 4:30. Crap. Ok so I would most likely have at least 30 minutes to see her. Better get moving.
"Ok guys we gotta get going." I announce. They look at me confused then catch on to what I'm saying and say goodbye to the others and we're off.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now