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Today I once again have to pick someone up from the airport. Exocet this time it's Zac and I'm almost 6 months pregnant. Lucky me. Right now I'm at the airport and waiting for Zac's plane to land.
"Flight 670 has now landed." Someone announces. That was Zac's plane. I hope he is ok. He hates flying. I should know, I've been in a plane with him before. A few minutes later I see him walking through. I run up to him and hug him. He hugs back and I can tell he is glad to be on land again.
"Hey Zac." I say.
"Hey Kaya. I should probably get my bags." He says. I nod and walk over to the conveyor belt with him. He finds his bags and we walk to the car. As happy as I am to see him though something is off about him. And j don't know what.
"Hey Zac, you Ok?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"Dads seeing someone." He says.
"Then aren't you happy for him?" I ask. Honestly I am. It's probably time for him to in fact it's probably time to move on from mum.
"No. He's hardly ever home. It's why I wanted to come here for a while. I never had anything to do. I have no friends and I just wanted to be around someone who will actually pay attention to me." He says and he is now tearing up.
"Zac first of all you never have to check if you want to come for a visit and surely you she friends. Maybe you just don't realise it yet." I reassure him.
"Hmm maybe. Anyway I'm really happy to be visiting Kaya. I know you can be really busy." He says and I smile at him. We reach the house and we walk in with Zac trailing his luggage behind him.
"Oh shoot Zac. There is a little girl-." I got say but Violet cuts me off.
"IM NOT A LITTLE GIRL!" She shouts at me.
"Fine. There is a girl who comes here often so if you see her around or if she just magically appears in the house don't worry about it. And please don't try to hook up with her." I mention to Zac and he gives me a mock salute.
"Yes ma'am." He says then goes upstairs with his bags trailing behind him.
"Did you really have to say little girl?" Violet asks me.
"I'm sorry. It just came naturally." I say and smile at her. I look at the time and see that it's 5:00 at night. Might as well have takeaway for dinner.
"Hey Kaya?" I hear someone say. I turn around or at least try to since I was sitting in the couch so I had to crane my head back
"Yes?" If was Violet.
"I know your little brother is here but will you still let me stay?" She asks. I have known her for about 5 weeks now and she is starting to feel as if she is my own daughter already.
"Vi. Why would you think that?" I ask her.
"I just thought you would want some alone time with him. That's all." She explains and I invite her over to the couch.
"Vi I'll be honest here. You're like my own daughter ok? Chances are I'm like the mum you never had and Ki is the dad you never had so of course you can stay. We don't mind and Zac is a really nice person and needs a friend right now. So you can stay as long as you want. Ok?" I tell her and she hugs me. Her tears glossy.
"Thanks Kaya. You're amazing." I give her a tight squeeze then it turns into a group hug because Ki and Zac decide that they want some hugs too. I laugh and hug them also.
"So what's for dinner?" Ki asks. Typical.
"Do you always think about food? And it's your choice. Either going out for dinner or takeaway." I answer. They all think for a second then come to an agreement.
"Go out." They say in unison. Ok then.
"I guess we're going out. Violet do you have any nice clothes?" I ask her. Of course she does. This isn't the first time.
"Yep. Better go get ready then." Then she skips up the stairs to her room. Zac had gone right after we decided so it was just Ki who decided it was a good idea to have a little make out session.
"Ok Ki hon, that's enough. I've got to go get ready." I say and quickly run away from him  so that I could have a shower.
Just as I passed the door the doorbell rang. I walked over to it and standing there were Melanie and Liam, and they did not look happy.
"Where's Violet?" They ask.
"Gee. Hello to you to and I don't think she wants to see you." I say.
"Oh trust me. She wants to." Liam says and tries to walk through the door. But I close it enough so that he can't get in.
"I don't recall inviting you in and she is going out for dinner. She doesn't want to see you. Besides I know your dirty little secret. Bye now." I say and slam the door on them then lock it.
"Who was that?" Ki asks me.
"Violets parents." I respond then run upstairs. I really don't want another encounter with them anytime soon.
"Kaya!" I hear someone shout. Or more like squeal. I realise that it's Violet so I run through the house and leaning over her are her parents. They have already hit her multiple times.
"Kaya what's going-?" Ki goes to ask but sees the situation and goes to get ready or keep Zac in his room.
"Stop. Please just stop." Violet is whimpering now.
"Fine. If you won't listen then I will. Stop hitting her. Punching her. Doing anything to her. She is just a child. She doesn't need this from her parents. So stop doing this." I say. Her parents look at me as if they take this all into consideration but then they laugh.
"Just a kid aye. Just a kid? She has always hated her brush when he moved out she was so happy. So happy that he was gone. Well guess what, she was a mistake. Wasn't even supposed to be here. We didn't even want her but we kept her anyways. So just a kid aye? If you think she's innocent then you must be hilarious." Her dad says and I'm horrified at all this.
"Fine then. I'd she's a mistake and you never even wanted her then we'll take her in. If she was a mistake then give her to us and we'll adopt her. You don't have to put up with her anymore." I say and they look shocked but what they say next is both horrible but reassuring.
"Fine. She will get her clothes from her old house tomorrow." Her mum says then the climb out the window and to next door.
"Thank you Kaya." Violet says.
"No worries. And don't ever think you're a mistake or that you're horrible. You're a wonderful little girl." I say then go get ready for dinner.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now