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We reach the hotel after a lot of joking around and meeting some of the new cast members for the scorch trials. Will had tagged along because he didn't want to be left alone in the house for so long.
The new cast members are Rosa Salazar, Giancarlo Esposito, Kat McNamara, Jacob Lofland and Nathalie Emmanuel. They are really nice people and I can't wait to start working with them. I'm also really glad that there are other girls on the set because sometimes I need girl time. Sometimes I miss that.
"And these are your key cards. Kaya I hope you don't mind sharing a room with Ki." Wes says. This makes me blush because now all eyes are on me but I nod my head anyway and grab my key card.
"Thanks Wes." I say then I run to the elevator like a child and push the button on the panel and go up the the floor that we are on. I laugh at all the people who I left behind but, Ki, Dylan and Thomas were the lucky ones who were smart and quickly followed me. Not even Will caught on to what I was doing. Haha.
"I enjoy doing that." I say. I remember as a kid I would always do that whenever we went to a hotel that has a lift. We all laugh and Dylan and Thomas laugh. Remembering all the times I did that.
"Yeah. It was always fun." Dylan says. We reach the floor and go to our rooms. We were in the penthouse of the hotel so the rooms would be pretty spectacular.
"What room are you guys in?" I ask.
"1245" Dylan says.
"I'm next to Dylan. 1246" Thomas says.
"Me and Ki are on the other side of Dylan." I say. We smile at each other and go to our rooms. And I was right. They're amazing! The whole place is basically an ensuite. There is a king size bed. The bathroom is amazing and there is even a little kitchen like the last hotel.
"Well. This is a nice hotel." I say. Ki agrees and we start putting our things in cupboards. When we finish we walk outside and see that Will is done also. Rosa is too and she looks a little lost so I walk over to her.
"Hey Rosa." I say. She turns around.
"Oh Kaya hi. How are you?" She asks. Walking over to me.
"I'm alright. Tired, but alright. What about you. You look a little nervous." I say. We meet in the middle of each other and sit down on the ground off to the side.
"Oh just meeting all the actors that re like family because of last year and how you all acted in the maze runner together. You all know each other so well so I just kind of feel like the outlier." She says. I give her a hug.
"It's fine. We are all very welcoming so, there is no need to worry." I say and give her a hug.
We talk for a while and then check the time. It's 5pm.
"We should go out for dinner." I say.
"Oh. Please." She says. I laugh and we walk into our rooms. First though I go to Wes' room and let him know that we are going out. He tells me he'll book a table and I go back to my room. Sending a text off while doing so.
I reach my room and go in. Ki is sitting there and he had just read the text.
"Dibs first shower." I say. I grab a black dress and undergarments then run into the bathroom. I get undressed and hop in the shower, letting the warm water drizzle over my body.


After my shower i quickly get dressed and brush my hair. When Ki gets impatient I end up having to brush my hair in the room.  When that's done I start doing my make-up.

Ki's POV

After my shower I put some jeans and a simple top on. I comb my hair so that it's in its usual spike then I walk back into the room. I see Kaya doing her make-up and I frown slightly.

"Hey." I say. Trying to sneak up on her but, failing miserably.

"Oh, hey Ki." She says. She continues to do her make-up so I pull the brush away from her and walk away.

"Give it back." She says and runs to me. I dodge her attempt of trying to get the brush out of my grasp.

"Nope. You don't need this. You are naturally beautiful. You don't need make-up." I say. This comment makes her stop running around the room. Causing me to stop also.

"You're just saying that." She says and looks at me.

"No I'm not. I mean every word." I say. She walks towards me and hugs me. I hug her back and just as she pulls away she pulls the brush out of my hand and goes back to her workstation. 

"You're still beautiful. Don't cover it up." I say then get my wallet and phone and out them in my pockets. I put my shoes on and wait for Kaya to get ready. She finishes her makeup and puts her heels on. Then we walk out into the corridor and everyone is waiting for us.


"That was the best piece of food I have ever had." Rosa comments as she takes her last piece of risotto. Everyone laughs and we continue to eat our food. We keep getting glances from other people all because we are actors and we are in a public place. We had gotten here about half an hour ago and we have already had to sign 20 photos. How they have photos and textas on hand I don't know. 

"The food is pretty nice." Dylan points out. We laugh at his comment and soon we have finished our food.

We all talk and have a few laughs with a bit of dessert in the middle. Then we all get tired and decide to go back to the hotel

When we get back we all say goodnight to each other and go to our rooms except me and Dylan stay out talking. Kaya goes into our room and goes to sleep. 

After my talk with Dylan I go into my room and Kaya is sleeping on the bed. She looks peaceful and beautiful. I go into the bathroom to get changed into my pyjamas and then go to bed.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now