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A/N. Hey guys so before I start this chapter I just wanted to say that this book may be a trilogy and the death cure won't be in it this one. Maybe the next one. Also, Kaya and Ki's wedding will be in this book just not for a while. Sorry about that guys. So, hope you enjoy this chapter.

(5 months later)

Today we have an ultrasound. I'm glad this pregnancy has lasted this long. All of our friends know and they were all happy. I still talk to Jason even though he has moved on from my mum. Its fair enough though. I have also talked to Jess. She has moved back here and is living with the guys which they are happy about. I find it funny every time I go to visit. They are always up to something suspicious.

"Miss Scodelario?" A nurse asks. I get up and grab my bag and walk in. Ki couldn't come since he is in L.A to visit family. He tried to postpone it but I made him go and reassured him that I'll be fine. So far so good right?

"So how have you been Kaya?" The nurse asks me. Her name is Amy and she is really nice. The first time I met her was pretty funny because she completely freaked out about the fact that I'm amazing and how Ki and I are amazing actors. Now she has gotten used to seeing me like every month.

"Uh yeah. I've been fine. Ki has gone to visit family so I have the house to myself. Though I have friends close by so..." I say and give her a warm smile. She gives one back at me.

"Well that's nice. Now if you like you can pop your stuff by the bed and hop on and I can check this baby of yours. This should be the point where you find out the sex so, would you like to find out?" She explains/asks. I nod my head. Just then my phone rang. I check the caller I.D. My bae. I answer.

"Hello?" I say. Then I hear him. Or more like bring the phone away from my ear so that Amy could hear.

"ARE YOU IN YET? I WANT TO HEAR IT!" He shouts through the phone.

"OK yes I am in. I will keep the call running and NO NEED TO YELL!" I say and he laughs guiltily.


"Its cool. Also we should find out the gender so do you want to? I do but do you?" I ask.

"Yes!" He says. That gave Amy the satisfaction she needed.

"OK. Lets start." She says. I get on the bed and she puts the (always) cold gel on my lower belly.

"OK. The baby is going well and I can now see the gender of it. Are you sure you want to know?" She asks. Me and Ki both say yes and she laughs. "OK. The baby is... a girl!" She says. I smile. I've always wanted a girl.

"Ki we have a little girl." I say and I know that hes smiling.

"So your baby girl is healthy and so far nothing you should be worried about." Amy smiles at me.

"Thanks Amy." I say and get off the bed. I grab my things and talk to Ki until I get to the car where I hang up. He has asked me to pick him up from the airport on Saturday at 5pm. I tell him OK and get into the car. I pull out of the parking lot with the biggest smile on my face. A baby girl. I'm so excited.

When I get to the house I see a moving truck. Must have new neighbours. I think to myself. I shrug it off and unlock the house and put my stuff down and check my instagram feed. I follow some of my fans without them realising it. They think that I'm just some type of Kaya Scodelario fan with the name Kayascods. Which is what I'm glad for.  They post the best stuff and they are so sweet. Even when I was getting hate for playing Teresa. I get it. Shes a betrayer but I'm a real person. Teresa is a CHARACTER! So get over it people. After I do that I watch a bit of Netflix on tv. That was until the doorbell rang. I get myself up and check who's at the door. I open it and someone I have never seen before is standing there. And she has a lot of bruises and is...crying.

"Hi um I'm Violet. Can I come in please?" She asks. A little shocked I open the door a little wider letting her in. She thanks me and walks in and goes to the lounge room.

"Hey umm Violet can you tell me whats wrong?" I ask her. She looks at me and just then I realise just how bad her wounds are. She has small cuts on her cheek and bruises along her arms and face. She looks like shes in a lot of pain.

"Uhh I just have a bad life. Thats all. Hey. You're Kaya Scodelario." She says. And looks like I just made someones day. I smile at her.

"Yeah I am. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I ask her. She nods her head.

"Uh could I just have a glass of juice? Please?" She asks. I smile at her and nod my head and go to the kitchen. When I come back she is watching tv and not crying anymore. I smile and walk toward the couch.
"Here you go sweetie. So do you want to tell me what's wrong? Your parents might be worried sick." I say and when I say parents her face turns white.
"Uh well first if all my parents don't exactly care where I go. They hardly think I exist except for the start of the day and the end of the day." She says. I'm confused but don't push her. If her face went the way it did when I said parents then I don't want to push her to say something she doesn't want too.
"Ok well then do you mind telling me why you're here?" I ask and she looks at me.
"Oh um. My mum and dad kicked me out of the house. We're the new neighbours and yeah. I didn't know where to go so I just came here." She explains. I could tell she was lying but I don't push it. So I just sit with her and and watch the show she was watching. Then it finishes and one of my personal favourites comes on. Phineas and Ferb. Thomas is in it and he is really good. At first I could never guess it was him but then again Ferb hardly talks so...
"So Violet. How old are you?" I ask her.
"I'm 12. Turning 13 in a few days." She says and I smile at her. She seems like such a sweet girl.
"Hey um. If your parents want to go out for dinner or something I'm happy for you too come over." I say and her face lights up.
"Really?" She says and I smile at her. "Thank you. Well I should go. Maybe you could come over for dinner or something. I'll have to ask my parents. Can I have your house phone?" She asks. I nod and give it to her then lead her to the door. She says goodbye with the biggest smile on her face. After that I check the time. 5pm. So I have time to spare. Just then the house phone rings. That was fast.
"Hi is this Kaya?" Someone asks.
"Uh yes it is. Who is this?" I say.
"Umm our daughter violet was just at your house and she asked us if you would like to come over for dinner. That would be lovely but we don't have any food." The lady says. "Oh and I'm Melanie. Your new neighbour." She says.
"Oh hi. Umm you could come over here if you like to. I don't mind." I say.
"That would be lovely." She says. I smile and say goodbye and tell her to come over at 6:30. I'm making my famous chicken risotto. It's really nice. Then i get to work on it straight away.

Hey guys. So how did you like the double update? Also I may not update tomorrow as I have an event to attend and it goes all day so yeah. I will try but there aren't any promises. So hope you enjoyed the chapter and yeah. Cya guys😄😄😄

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now