Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Please Read!

I just want everyone to know that when I write this chapter I don't actually mean it. As you all know I am a huge supporter of Thomella so please don't hate! Thank you! Enjoy!

My heart beat quickened as I stepped closer to Thomas. He rapped his arm around my torso making me so close I was touching his hips with mine. Isabella Melling began walking closer towards me fists clenched and was glaring. She looked furious. Thomas stepped in front of me and stared directly down at Isabella.

"What are you doing here Thomas?" She giggled her British accent sounding like it was mocking me. I widened my eyes as soon as she twisted her head to look at me. "And what are you doing with such an ugly hag?" Thomas got totally pissed. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it extremely tight. I let out a small yelp as his grip was beginning to cut off my circulation.

"Oh, are you looking in a mirror? Is that why you called yourself an ugly hag?" Thomas replied defiantly. Isabella glared. She looked like she was ready to murder Thomas. Knowing this wouldn't end well I stepped beside Thomas and hugged his arm. He did't even look down at me. His focus was directly on Isabella.

"I don't think you're ugly." I said trying to calm the blaze lighting between the two. Thomas looked at me now with a confused look on his face. Isabella smiled and touched her heart.

"Thank you." She said sounding completely oblivious to what I was going to say next. Obviously I was ticked off as to what she said about me. How could she be so thick headed?

"I do think you're a bitch though." I said looking off into the distance proud of myself. Isabella/Izzy gasped. Thomas smirked at Izzy and laughed quietly.

"How dare you you-"

"Bitch?" I asked cutting Izzy off completely. Izzy stomped her high heel on the ground and pouted like a two year old. She turned to Thomas as if asking for help but he just shrugged his shoulders. I walked up to Izzy so that our faces were centimetres away. She widened her eyes and chuckled. I squinted my eyes smiling.

"So I guess you're a Barbie doll then huh? Beautiful but thick headed and rude. You should be on mean girls. As one of the mean girls." I laughed stepping back. As I stood beside Thomas again arms crossed we both high five each other. Izzy ran up to Thomas and pouted.

"You and I used to be like this Thomas, THIS!" She hollered crossing her index and middle finger. She then looked at me. "And you! You stole my Tommy from me!"

"Actually, you cheated on him. You used him. So I guess I win." I grinned just to bug her. She glared at us both and stomped away. Just as we thought she had gone she stomped back in and smashed her lips against Thomas'. I gasped as Thomas pushed her away. He rubbed his lips and stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"What the hell Isabella! I'm with Megan now get that through your HEAD!" He shouted. I went up to a hurt Isabella and smirked. I then pushed her away and walked her towards the door.

"You stay away from my Thomas or else I'll be back to make you miserable. If we break up he's all yours, but I doubt that'll happen. Have fun with life without Thomas." Spat in her face making her step back. Thomas widened his eyes as Izzy ran away and I stomped back towards him. I glared because I was pissed.

"Megan, she kissed me I didn't-" Thomas began.

"Oh shut up." I said breathing heavily. Not even giving him a warning I crashed my lips onto his. Yea we made a scene in the store but who cares. We kissed for a long time and I loved it. I loved him. After separation Thomas' eyes were wide. Yea the kiss was rougher then our usual kisses but I needed him to know. I kissed him roughly again and rapped my arms around his neck tightly. When we separated we were both breathing a little hard. I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes and gave no emotion.

"Mine, and only mine!" I said sternly kissing him again.

No one was ever going to take my Thomas

away from me. Not ever.

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