Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

My eyes grew heavy as we continued watching our movie. It was my choice tonight and obviously I chose to watch a horror. Paranormal activity to be exact. As my best friends and boyfriend were busy jumping out of there seats I fell asleep, and I had a dream.

I was on the beach in Mexico with George, Dylan, and Thomas. The boys left for drinks while George and I were on the dock above the ocean blue water. For some reason I was terrified of the water, the blue sea being attacked with green seaweed and the constant thought of drowning. I love the water, but not in this dream. As George and I continued talking about our current vacation, we noticed two boys walk onto the dock. They weren't Thomas and Dylan. They were someone else. Who cares though, right? So George and I continued chatting. Wrong move. The men came up behind us smirking.

"What's up girls?" They said in a taunting tone winking along with it. My heart immediately sank.

"Um...nothing of your business okay?" George spat rolling her eyes. Typical sassy George. They narrowed their eyes and the smirks faded.

"Listen you don't snap at me girl." He snarled pushing Georgina. She fell off the dock into the water.

"GEORGE!" I hollered looking down. She was nowhere. I glared at these men as tears escaped my eyes. I charged at them with my fist ready for fight. But nope. They caught my fist twisting my arm as I weeped out in pain. My body trembled as the pain increased and I screamed Thomas' name. And before I knew it the water was at my feet. I opened my eyes under the blue surface and began swimming upwards. Something caught my leg pulling me below the water towards the soaked sand. I then heard a voice.


My eyes opened and I sat up. George was shaking me and I was still on the couch. This time no longer with Thomas. I blinked and looked around.

"What? Where are the boys?" I asked her. George smiled and nodded to the basement.

"Video games. Basement. Seems like a Thomas and Dylan thing. They left after the movie. You okay, you're sweating." she told me grasping onto my shoulder. I noticed I was and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine just...another nightmare." I sighed. George made me jump as she gasped loudly jumping off of the couch.

"Are you okay?! I thought they cured your bleeding!!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes chuckling. She sprinted to the stairs trying to run away when I grabbed her shoulder yanking her backwards.

"Don't you dare tell Thomas and make him worried. I'm human, I just had a regular nightmare. If it were because of you know what I'd be having trouble breathing right now." I told her. George sighed and hugged me. We were then interrupted.

"Uhum!" Thomas coughed at the bottom of the stairs. I shut my eyes and smacked my face.

"Did you hear all that?" I asked not even looking. Thomas shrugged his shoulder and walked up the stairs. He kissed my cheek and rapped his arms around my waist.

"Yep." He giggled in a manly tone. He then handed me a paper and I looked down at it. When realizing what it was I ripped it open immediately. I looked down at it and smiled. I then screamed and rapped my arms around Thomas' neck giving his a big kiss on the lips. It was the audition sheet. They accepted my request to audition. I kept jumping up and down with Thomas still rapping his arms around my hips. He hugged me so tight I coughed. Dylan ran upstairs and furrowed his eyes.

"What's happening? Is Megan dying?" He asked pointing at me in Thomas' arms.  I threw the paper at Dylan's face and smirked all cocky like.

"I got accepted to audition! Haha!" I giggled sticking my tongue out. Thomas smiled and hugged me even more and I kissed him receiving an ew from both Dyl and George. We rolled our eyes and went back into the living room. As we sat down I grabbed a new horror game for Ps4 and smirked. It was one of my all time favourites.

"Hey guys?" I asked them. Everyone looked at me and I squealed. "Who wants to play a little game called...Until Dawn?" I asked as everyone nodded. Thomas stood up and kissed my chapped lips.

"I'm in. What kinda game?" He asked me as his British accent made me blush and bite my lip.

"Horror." I said smiling widely. Thomas shook his head and laughed.

"What's with you and horror today?" He asked me as I received another kiss. I shrugged my shoulders and then kissed his head. We then put the game in the console, and continued to play.

I loved these friends. And I loved Thomas

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