Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

As I sat there in the living room with my best friends and boyfriend, I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Lucky I met the actor of my dreams who turned out to be the love of my life. Who knew things like this were able to happen? I played beside my boyfriend who was focusing on the playing his game and kissed him right on the lips. He stopped his game to do so and I hugged him tightly. As we pulled away he leaned closely into my ear and chuckled.

"Hey Meg?" He asked me as I opened my eyes widely.

"Yeah?" I asked him. He pushed hair away from my face and kissed my forehead.

"Have I told you I love you?" He asked me. As I giggled and shook my head I bit my lower lip.


"Well I do. More than anything in the entire world. I love you Megan Durand." I smiled as to what he said and leaned in closer.

"I love you too." I giggled kissing him once again to show him how much he means to me.


Hey guys so sorry it ended so terribly but I hope you liked the books.

Be sure to read my Spiderman and Vampire Diaries one though.

Love y'all!


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