Chapter 16

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Megan's P.O.V

"THOMAS!!" I screamed as my boyfriend fell lifelessly to the floor. I rushed over to him to pick him up, he was out cold. He had sweat beads on his forehead and he was extremely hot. His face had no emotion and his breathing had come to a stop. "Georgina go get a nurse! TELL THEM TO HURRY!!" I screamed as I lay there holding Thomas closely to my heart. George sprinted out into the hall leaving me and Thomas alone in the room with a still high Dylan. Seconds later about 6 people came in shouting words I couldn't even comprehend and picked Thomas up. His hand flew down like it had no strength at all, and he was put onto a gurney, his head rolling over to his left side. They began pushing him down the hallway yelling for people to move, when a package fell out of his coat. I bent down and grabbed it shock filling my heart. It was a cigarette box, and it was just recently opened. I began to get angry, but the minute I looked up and saw Thomas being pushed further away from me, I only cared about him. The rage inside of me died down to engulf a new flame of worry. I shoved the box into my pocket, and ran down to catch up with him.

"Please Thomas..." I thought to myself running after him. "Please stay with me!" As I rounded the corner, the doctors brought him into a room where he was set onto an open table, a bunch of people surrounding him and coming to his aid. I was about to rush in when a doctor grabbed me from behind.

"You can't go in there. I'm sorry."

"Please please just let me get to him! That's my boyfriend! PLEASE!" I screamed calmly trying not to cause such a scene to this doctor. He sighed and pulled me back.

"I'm afraid you can't go in there'll have to wait until he is breathing. The doctors I promise will do everything they can to help him. But I need you to be brave and stay here." The man told me rubbing my shoulders. I looked into his hazel eyes and then gulped.

"O-kay..." I croaked as he pushed the door open. For a split second I could see Thomas on the table, shirt open revealing his bare chest. His chest had raw patches on skin showing, and many scratches from his nails indicating he was itchy. 'It's from the Drugs', I thought to myself. One doctor grabbed some defibrillators and placed them to his chest powering up the electricity inside them.

"Clear!" I hear from inside, and Thomas' body jerked upwards as the shock was placed inside.

Then the door closed, and I was standing alone in the waiting room. I didn't move...I just stood in front of the doors, waiting for him to magically walk out of the room smiling and laughing, not looking as skinny as he had these last few days. I wanted to see him so full of life and so happy like he had been the first time they met, but lately he seemed down, and they both seemed to fight a lot over the silliest of reasons. And then he'd turn to them. The drugs. The cigarettes...The Tobacco...he was hurting himself, trying to heal himself of depression. I stood there for what seemed like hours, until finally the door opened, and the doctor revealed himself. He gave me a shy smile.

"Is he okay?" I asked. The doctor pulled me into a hug before telling me the truth.

"He's very seems that he has been taking some...substances that have harmed his body inside and out." He tells me as he hands me a box of tobacco. I then pull out his cigarettes and hold the two beside each other. "So you knew about it?" He asked me calmly. I scrunched my face up, the rage building inside me.

"No." I growled so quietly it was almost a whisper. I looked down at the two boxes in my hands for a few seconds then lost myself to the rage.

"AHHHHH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs throwing the two boxes straight towards the wall, making them explode as they get hit with the impact. I continued to scream as the doctor and a few nurses tried to calm me down. Georgina came around the corner gasping and covering her mouth at the scene.

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