Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. My eyes fluttered open as I reached over to grab the source of the sound. Thomas' home phone was ringing. I grabbed it and looked down to see a sleepy Thomas with his eyes closed. How could he be comfortable with me on top of him? I answered it awkwardly.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Um...Hi. Do I-do I have the wrong number I'm sorry."

"No no! Um... you're looking for Thomas? Sangster?"

"Yea, it's me Wes. Wes ball. Might I ask who this is?" My heart dropped. I was talking to the most amazing director ever to be (well in my eyes). I froze and looked down to Thomas who was still in his deep sleep. His hair was so messy it looked like fuzz and I couldn't help but smile. I then answered once again, awkwardly.

"Yes sorry um...this is Thomas' girlfriend, Megan." I stuttered a bit knowing I was talking to the man who made the Maze Runner movies.

"Oh! Sorry hi! I um...wanted to let Thomas know that we made an interview for him with Ki Hong Lee on September 29th. May I speak with him?" I smiled. I nodded then forgot I was on a phone.

"Oh! Um...yes I'll wake him up for you, he's still in bed. One second." Wes made an noise that sounded like an 'okay' while I turned my head to face Thomas'. I Whispered into his ear as he woke up his eyes dark with sleepy underlines.

"Hey..." I whispered. Thomas smiled.

"Hey." He then looked down an noticed I had his phone in his hand. He furrowed his eyes and sat up wiping away eye goop. "Um...who's on the phone?" He asked waking up a little more. I giggled and handed it to him.

"It's Wes." I replied. Thomas sat up quickly, but since I was on top of him I dropped the phone on his lap and fell backwards. Thomas apologized and grabbed the phone.

"Hello? Wes?" He asked now focused on the call. I giggled silently getting a shush from Thomas.

"Hey! Thomas!" I heard Wes scream through the phone. I began to laugh louder as I was once again shushed by my boyfriend with the messy hair. Wes talked it all out with Thomas as I sat in bed trying to listen to there conversation. Thomas then finished the phone call with a question.

"Unhuh, and will Megan be able to come with me?" He asked. I smiled as he thought of me.

"Who?" Wes called out. I rolled my eyes. Wes may be the most amazing director to live (in my eyes) but he sure was a bit of a crazy idiot. Thomas also rolled his eyes.

"My girlfriend." He said ending with his adorable chuckle. Wes made a loud 'Oh' then replied a yes. Thomas thanked him and hung up. I stared at him with my lips curled into a smiled. Thomas looked at me one eyebrow raised. "What? Do you expect some kind of gift now?" He joked. I giggled as I sat down on him again.

"Anything you do is a gift to me." I said kissing Thomas on the lips. He chuckled and pulled away.

"Good things your measles are gone, because the interview is September 29th. It's the 20th." I widened my eyes.

"How are we going to get tickets for our flight?" I asked a little bit in horror. Thomas grinned making him look really hot with his messy hair.

"Have you ever been in a private jet before?" He asked me making my mouth drop open. I squealed kissing his again. I pulled away and jumped out of bed. Throwing on my house coat and slippers I ran to the kitchen. "Where are you going?" He demanded giggling in the process. I turned to face him and smiled.

"Coffee. Want any?" I asked holding onto the door. Thomas nodded and thanked me. I flipped my blood hair and sprinted into the kitchen beginning to make coffee. During the process there were two white paws on the back of my legs. I bent down to pick Pogo up getting kisses along the way.

"Hi my big brave boy." I told him rocking back and forth as if he were my baby. Pogo turned around and began to bark. I put him on the floor as he ran up to Thomas who came out in his pyjama bottoms with no shirt revealing his abs. I slowly smiled as he walked up to me hugging me tightly. He still was warm from the blankets in bed and I closed my eyes breathing in his sent. (Don't call me creepy!) Thomas then grabbed onto my shoulders and leaned down to kiss my cheeks. Left then right, then my forehead, chin, and finally the lips. I giggled as he did so rapping my arms around his neck. He then lifted me off of the ground as I had my legs around his waist.

"I love you." He told me. I smiled at him and and stared directly into his chocolate brown eyes that were perfectly round.

"I love you too." I said as our lips connected once more.

5 Hours Later

Thomas and I were having a really lazy day. It was 3:00pm and we were still in our Pyjama's. Thomas of coarse still had his shirt off which I found was extremely attractive. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I ran into the living room with my laptop in my hands and set it down on the coffee table. I began typing things out as a smile was spread across my face. Thomas walked in with Pogo on his tail and he smirked at the sight of me. His cheeky smile made me blush terribly giving it away that I was doing so. I then ran into our room grabbing my camera and setting it up in front of Thomas' computer in his computer room. I motioned for Thomas to sit down with me and he did so. He then asked me the question I was waiting for.

"Okay Megan what are you doing?" He asked pulling me so our hips touched. I leaned in closer feeling his bare skin against my bare shoulders (I was wearing a tank top) and smiled.

"I am going to play a scary game and put it on my new Youtube Channel. Wanna join?" I asked smirking. Thomas laughed then smiled once again making me blush.

"Of coarse!" He yelled playfully. I smiled kissing his on the lips. I then started the video.

"Hey guys! It's Megan here and welcome to my new Youtube channel. I am here with the one, the only, handsome, amazing, sweet actor, and my boyfriend Thomas Brodie-Sangster!" I giggled pointing to Thomas. He smiled and kiss my cheek. I pecked him on the lips in return. We then faced the camera.

"Um...yea. So we are going to play...outlast?" Thomas asked looking at the name of the game. He then did his lip biting chuckle with his cheeky but adorable smile. I nodded and set everything up. As soon as we began we were in a car. First thing that popped into my mind I said out loud.

"Why would anyone go to a place like that? It looks like a rapist mansion." Thomas fell off of his chair. "Oh my god, Thomas?!" I yelled grabbing his shoulders. Thomas began to laugh extremely loud. I smirked.

"A rapist house?! That's what you think of?" He asked me laughing hysterically. I smiled and began to laugh too. We then went back to the video. About 35 minutes later our character walked into an old kitchen. Our goal was to find father Martin on floor 3 and this was the way. My eyes sparkled. This was the least creepy thing in the building.

"Awe look! A kitchen. Man our character must be-" suddenly a man with half a face and blood oozing from it jumped out in front if us grabbing our characters shoulders. I paused the game and fell backwards screaming at the top of my lungs. My heart was racing and of coarse Thomas was laughing hysterically. I started laughing and sat back up. "Holy shit. That scared the f out of me." I sighed grabbing my shirt and feeling my own heartbeat. Thomas was still laughing.

"That was hilarious." He said berthing heavily. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"Shut up." I giggled receiving a kiss from him on the cheek. As a joke I pulled away. "Nope. No. No I don't want any of your kisses." Thomas played along and kept moving in closer trying to kiss my cheek. I finally let him and he laughed. We then kissed each other on the lips forgetting the camera was on. We pulled away and finished the video.

"Okay guys so I hope you enjoyed this episode, if you did please subscribe or leave a like down below and we'll make another episode of Outlast. Thank you. Peace!" I ended it there. When we edited it I made my scream from the kitchen scene go normal speed, the slow motion. We then uploaded.

This in my eyes was a perfect day.

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