Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ava was there for her check-up after the incident in the earlier stages of Thomas and I's relationship. What a great way to celebrate the fact that now she was fine. I heard screaming and instantly my heart stopped. Ava didn't scream and neither did Georgina. It was Thomas (Imagine casey's scream from 'Some Dogs Bite').The doctor flashed a light in my eyes and asked me to look at him. I was too focused on spotting Thomas. Soon I felt a needle being poked through my arm and I flinched at the pain. It was the most movement I made all day. Suddenly my vision cleared and I began to feel less pain. I still felt extremely sick, but the doctors I think wrote down a prescription. My eyelashes fluttered and I saw Thomas in a corner crying. He was crying. And it wasn't just tears slowly escaping his eyes, it was full out crying. His mom tried comforting him but he pushed her hand away. The doctor walked up to Thomas and gave him my prescription telling him exactly what to do, and before I know it we were home. I supposedly fell asleep at the hospital scaring the shit out of Thomas. He then walked into the living room where I was.

"Meg?" He asked me his voice croaking. He sounded awful. Worse then me even. I didn't even smile I was so worried. He slowly walked up to me and sat down facing me in front of the couch. "Hey."He whispered. I touched his face and a tear fell out of my cheek.

"What happened?" I asked. I looked down at my arm and saw red dots all over my arm and bandaids up and down them. Thomas grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"You um... have uh... the measles." He croaked. A tear escaped his eyes and he rubbed his tears in his shirt. I sighed.

"This is why I broke up with you in the first place." I said quietly. Thomas shook his head.

"Shut up." He murmured. I didn't even fight him. I didn't want to. I sat up on the couch noticing a blanket on my legs. I hugged Thomas and he returned it aggressively. His face was shoved into my shoulder and I let him soak my shirt with tears. He pulled away from the hug and looked completely heart broken. I sighed.


My mind shouted to me making me gasp. Thomas I could tell was really worried about me because he immediately jumped and cupped my face.

"What is it? What happened? Are you alright Love?" Thomas asked shaking immensely. I grabbed his arm and squeezed it slightly.

"Thomas I'm fi-"

"WHY THE HELL DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME?!" He hollered. I just froze mouth agape. My hands loosened from his and I scouted back a bit. Thomas sobbed and I could instantly tell how much he cared. He really did love me. Unlike any of my previous boyfriends, he cared. I saw how much he was hurting. I was about to speak when he got up and threw his phone across the room, smashing it onto the wall. The screen shattered and fell to the floor.

"THOMAS! JUST LISTEN TO ME!" I hollered standing up. My eyes went fuzzy and I tripped over my own feet. Thomas lunged at me and caught me. I started sweating and breathing heavily. I looked into Thomas' eyes and he looked in mine. He was crying so much spit began to fly out of his name. I cupped his face and pressed out foreheads together.

"Listen to me damn it." I whispered squeezing my eyes shut. Thomas' hands touched my lower back as I found our bodies closer together. I rapped my arms around his neck and began to breath heavier. "Just calm down, and listen." I said feeling butterflies in my stomach. Thomas sat down bringing my with him to the floor. I sat in front of him and he looked totally gone. His eyes were red and puffy and his voice croaked.

"I just..."

"Shhhh...just listen."


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