Chapter 13

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The drive to the hotel wasn't too long but felt like forever. Traffic in London was crazy, the roads were packed with tourists and people trying to get to work. I finally arrive at the hotel and go up to the elevator. I start to shake and feel a little uncomfortable after what happened last time I was in an elevator alone, but I went in anyways. Of course Dylan and Georgina's room had to be on the 17th floor. I waited as the elevator lifted off the lobby floor and started going up, listening to that annoying music they always play while you "enjoy" your ride. The elevator stops on the fifth floor, the doors open revealing a tall red headed man. He smiles at me and walks in. As the doors close and the elevator begins going up I start to get nervous. For some reason I feel like I've seen this guy before, and I know him from somewhere. But I can't think of where. Still I start to get nervous not knowing who this man was, and what he could possibly do to me. 

"Are you alright Miss?" The British man says to me trying to make small talk. I nod my head towards his direction then scoot away. I don't mean to be rude to him, but I just felt uncomfortable. He steps closer. "I'm sorry have I said something wrong?" 

"Oh no no no, you haven't...I'm just...last time I was in an elevator...I-I...ummm...something bad happened so I'm...rather nervous. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I'm sorry." I say shaking a bit. The man smiles. 

"Ah okay. I understand. Well just letting you know I'm not trying to scare you, and I promise I won't hurt you." He says as he holds out his hand. This guy seems sweet and I get a sense that I can actually trust this man. I shake his hand. 

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Megan, Megan Durand, and once again I'm very sorry." I say ending off with a smile. 

"I'm Arthur Darvill. It's a pleasure to meet you." Suddenly shock fills my body. How could I not immediately remember who this man was. It was Arthur fucking Darvill! I was shaking "Rory Williams(from Doctor Who)'s hand!! My mouth dropped open a bit and I smiled.

"Omg I knew I knew you from somewhere. You played Rory Williams on Doctor Who. I am a huge fan." I say trying to sound casual and not like some fan girl. He smiles. 

"Ah so you've watched Doctor Who. Nice to meet a fan. And you're from America? I mean your accent-" He trails off. I giggle a bit. 

"No actually, Canada." I say. He widens his eyes. 

"Ah now that explains all the apologies." He laughs. I do too. The elevator stops on the 15th floor and he smiles in my direction. "Well it's been a pleasure meeting you Megan. I hope you have a wonderful stay in London." He says as he is about to leave. 

"Hey actually, could I possibly get a picture with you?" I blurt out. Way to go Megan, you were casual, and now you sound like a excited fangirl. 

"Of course." He respond with a smile. I pull out my phone and we take a selfie. I then say thank you as he leaves the metal compartment. The doors close and continue up to the 17th floor. I smile to myself as the doors open and I walked out into the hallway. When I get to Dylan and Georgina's room I knock and wait for her to open. She does so and looks at me. 

"Hey Megan, Dylan told me you were gonna-"

"GUESS WHO I JUST MET?!" I interrupted. She laughs. 


"Arthur Darvill from Doctor Who!!" I scream. Georgina smiles. 

"Wow. For years you've been obsessed with two shows, and then all in one year you meet two celebrities from each show. You a lucky girl Meggie!" She says as she walks out into the hall with me. We walk down stairs to the cab outside chatting away about how much our lives have changed in this one year. I smiled immediately as Georgina mentioned Thomas and Dylan. My heart skipped a beat just hearing Thomas' name. We get in the Cab and drive all the way to Thomas and I's house. As soon as we get home, Georgina skips up to the front door. I grab my key and unlock the door opening it to reveal boxes of Christmas tree ornaments, along with both Dylan and Thomas without shirts on. 

"Holy shit my eye's have been blessed." Georgina says walking up to Dylan and kissing him. I walk up to Thomas with the biggest Grin on my face. I rap my arms around his torso and look up into his chocolate brown eyes, our noses just inches away from each other. 

"What's that beautiful smile for, Love?" Thomas says to me pressing our noses together. I smiled even wider and begin to draw circles on his bare back with my finger. 

"You." I say softly placing my lips against his. As soon as we pull away I rest my head on his chest and hug him tighter. Thomas grins and rests his head on mine. 

"I love you so much Megan. You know that?" He asks me still cradling me in his arms. I look up and give him a quick peck on the lips.

"mmmmhhmmm." I hum looking at his still messy hair. I then smile even wider. "And guess what?" I ask. 

"What?" He replies. 

"I love you more."

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