Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Flight A25 for London is now boarding." I heard the speakers above us say. Thomas, Dylan, Georgina, and I all grabbed our luggage and boarded our flight. Thomas and Dylan were sitting beside each other while Georgina and I were together. I sat in the chair closest to the seats beside us so Thomas and I could both speak across the hall together. I was biting my nails again and looked around the airplane. Soon a really hot tall muscular guy about our age came on. I smirked and checked him head to toe. When I turned my head I saw Thomas glaring at me. I laughed and let all my blonde hair fall in my face covering the blush on my face. I looked up at Thomas and he was still glaring. I mouthed an 'looking for George's sake' and he mouthed 'oh'. He then glared at the guy who was biting his lip looking at Georgina. I nudged her side and she looked up. She blushed a lot and smirked. I looked at Dylan and my eyes saddened. He was staring at Georgina obviously crying. Just then Dylan stood up and ran into the washroom. Thomas sighed and looked at me. He stood up and walked to the washroom to talk with Dylan. I glared at Georgina and she shrugged her shoulders.

"What?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the washroom doors.

"Make-up with Dylan already!" I screamed causing attention to fall upon us. Georgina furrowed her eyes.

"Meg he hurt you and Thomas!" She hollered crossing her arms. I glared.

"You're obviously hurting him all too much!" I replied sternly. Georgina's eyes saddened.

"I am?" She asked oblivious to the situation.

"Yea! You still love him right?" I asked even though I knew the answer. She nodded.

"And my mom......................." She mumbled but I couldn't hear.


"My mom................."

"Speak up please."

"MY MOM SAID I COULD GO TO AMERICA!" She hollered all too loud. My mouth dropped.

"Then why are you still mad at Dylan?" I asked my voice croaking. She wiped tears from her eyes and sighed.

"I don't except what he did to you and Thomas."

"He was worried about you George! Besides we forgave him. Thomas forgave him and I know I did. Why can't you?" I asked again sobs escaping my lips. Georgina leaned back and sighed.

"I want him to kiss me." She said quietly. I widened my eyes. George actually wanted someone to kiss her? Wow. I thought touching her back. George blushed when Dylan came back in his seat with Thomas sitting beside him too. I grabbed my phone and texted Thomas letting him know everything. Before we took off the ground we all switched seats so I was sitting with Thomas. Dylan was up against the window seat with Georgina beside him. Dylan didn't even look at Georgina. That obviously hurt her. I sighed and looked up at Thomas who as usual was licking his lips. I nudged his side and he looked down at me.

"Yea?" He asked me. I sighed and looked back at Georgina who was trying to get Dylan's attention but he kept pushing her away.

"Do you think they'll make-up?" I asked. Thomas looked at them and I heard him sigh.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe." He asked, his adams apple bobbing. I Just stared at him and sighed. "I think I know why he's avoiding her though." Thomas sighed. I whipped my head in his direction and widened my eyes.

"You do? Why then? Why?" I asked my voice elevating. Thomas looked down at me and bit his lips.

"Okay, but you're going to be pissed at me." He said clenching his teeth together. I glared at him.

"Did you?"

"I did." Thomas said quietly. I felt fire burning in my blood.

"You told him?!" I whisper/yelled. Thomas nodded and sighed. I was furious with my boyfriend. How could he? Thomas knew they were fighting now Dylan won't even talk to George. I felt my blood burning and adrenaline begin to pump through my vains. I wanted to punch Thomas, but at the same time I didn't want to hurt him. Instead I punched my own leg. Thomas widened his eyes. He grabbed onto my shoulders and turned me to face him.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" He asked. I glared at him. In my best demon voice possible I snapped at him.

"You." I growled. Thomas instead of looking scared bit his lower lip and chuckled. I began to glare and stood up to go to the washroom. I slammed the door shut and looked into the mirror. I splashed water onto my face and sighed. Tears spilled down my face and I stood there for a few minutes having some peace with myself. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hello?" I asked wiping the water off of my face.

"Meg?" I heard come through the door. It was obviously Thomas' voice. I opened the door and looked him in the eyes.

"What?" I asked my voice croaking.

"Are you okay? Did I upset you? Sorry." Thomas said with a small voice crack. I smiled at his cuteness then tears began pouring out of my eyes. I pulled him into the washroom and locked the door. Thomas cupped my face. "What's wrong Love?" Thomas asked rubbing tears away from me. I sobbed even more and hugged him tightly. We sat down on the floor and I rubbed my face into his chest. I was upset and I had no idea why. Thomas rubbed my back as I continuously sobbed. He kissed my forehead and kept rubbing.

"I don't know." I said hiccuping in the end. Thomas furrowed his eyes and held me tighter.

"Don't know what Love?" He asked me. I kept crying.

"I don't know why I'm so upset. I just...I DON'T KNOW!" I hollered into his chest holding tightly onto his shirt. Thomas stopped rubbing and tightened our hug.

"Your crying because your you. Fun, crazy, loud, emotional you. And I love Fun, crazy, loud, emotional Megan. Sometimes, you just need to let out your emotions." He told me beginning to rub my back again. He held me tight and close, which made me feel safe. I took long deep breaths as tears still began to fall. I was feeling very safe in Thomas' arms. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me. Are you too okay in there?" I heard a female flight attendant ask. Thomas unlocked the door and opened it. The female gasped and looked down at me. She saw I was cradled in Thomas' arms a tearstained wreck. She knelt down and widened her eyes. "Are you alright ms.?" She asked us. I didn't move so Thomas just spoke for me.

"Yea, she's alright. Can we just have a glass of water please?" Thomas asked her. The female nodded and ran to the back. Thomas still cradled me and whispered softly into my ear. "I love you." He said. I could easily hear the smile in his voice.

"" I croaked in between sobs. The female came back with a glass of water and some cookies. She told us the cookies were on the flight and we didn't need to pay for them. Thomas replied a thank you and asked for a few more minutes in the washroom before we'd be kicked out. The female nodded and closed the door. Thomas locked it and cuddled me more. I stopped crying but my face was still red and tearstained. Thomas shushed me and rocked back and forth. I eventually closed my eyes and rested on him. My eyes opened when I heard Thomas began to sing quietly.

"Oh won't you, stay with me,

'cause you're all I need,

this is love it's clear to see,

darling stay with me."

I smiled as he changed the word 'ain't' for 'is'. He kept rocking back and forth to comfort me, and it worked. Thomas shushed me again as I slowly felt my eye lids close.

I then fell asleep softly and warmly

in Thomas' arms.


I thought this chapter was adorable! I hope you thought so too.

To be honest...

I wrote this chapter because this truly happens to me all the time, I'll just start bawling for no reason. Since this story is about me and 'my future husband' lol, I wanted to write about me and wanted to add Thomas with it. So I hope you all enjoyed it.

Stay cool Sangster Gangsters!

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