Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Link’s POV

            I never knew Hyrule was this big.  I’ve spent most of my life in the small forest.  I’m usually riding Epona if I do leave the forest, so time goes by more quickly. . .  And I don’t usually get this tired either.  I’ve been walking for hours, and I just got to the entrance of Lake Hylia.  It’ll take me another hour probably to get to Faron Woods.  If I could, I would call Epona, but I can’t find any horse grass around here. There’s tons growing in Faron Woods.  I stopped when I saw a small Hut on the side of the Bridge of Lake Hylia. . . and right beside the house, some horse grass. “Thank the Goddess” I spoke to myself.  My feet were killing me, also my back was aching from not being treated so well by the guards this morning.  I went over to the grass and and plucked a leaf off the small bush.  I put it against my mouth and whistled.  The majestical sound floated over the lake, over the land. The grass was known to have a high pitched tune, like a flute.  It attracted horses, that’s why it was called Horse grass. After a few seconds I heard a horse’s whinny from the south.  I turned my head, and squinted from the sunlight on the western horizon.  It was sunset, and monsters came out during the night.  “Good time to call Epona” I said to myself.  Soft pitter patters were heard from a distance.  After a few moments I realised it was a horses galloping.  Epona appeared out of the mountains and hills, galloping towards the bridge.  Once Epona reached me, I patted my pocket to see if I had any food.  I found a piece of carrot.  I fed it to Epona as a treat for coming to get me. “Good Girl. Let’s go home Epona, I’m tired and my feet hurt.”  Epona nodded her head.  I climbed onto her, and we slowly started to gallop along the Bridge of Lake Hylia.

Zelda’s POV

            A whole ceremonial presentation was planned for the visitor that was coming.  Our Orchestra was told to play the National Anthem of Hyrule as the visitors were to enter.  The guards were told to stand by the red carpet in the middle, and to bow as the visitors passed them.  Everything was so well organised, I just hope that everything goes well.  My Father was having a last minute chat with the Orchestra, probably just going over the anthem, which instruments were to be louder, which quieter and so on.

            “So you all understand everything? I want this to be perfect!” Said the King.  All of the band members nodded their heads and murmured small “yes’s”.  I entered through the small hallway into the big hall where the orchestra was.  My Father approached me with a big smile on his face. “My dear Princess, look at you. You are so beautiful.”  I smiled and hugged my father, he hugged back squeezing lightly  “I remember when you were just a little girl, dressing up in pretty dresses and high heels.  You always wanted to grow up, be a beautiful young lady. My how you have grown.  It seems like yesterday you were just a baby, waiting for bed time stories, and you would always sit on my lap on the thrown every time we would have a special visitor.  You always dreamed of being a Queen of Hyrule.” My father finished speaking, I looked up at him, and he just smiled.

            “I love you so much, father.  My whole life could not have been complete without you.”  As I finished speaking, One of the maids called my father over to her.  He kissed my head and left walking toward her.  I went to my spot on the pedestal, and sat down on the smaller thrown.  “I hope everything goes well”. I whispered to myself.  My father approached where I was sitting.

            “The guests are here, they are being greeted outside.  They are about to come in!” He said excitedly.  The Music began to play.  I stood up beside my father.  The announcer came by the orchestra.

            “I present to thee, the royal guests visiting Hyrule this fine day, King Zant and minions from the Twilight Palace.”  The doors opened.

Link’s POV

            It didn’t take too long to get back home.  As I walked back with my steed, I heard thunder rolling in the sky.  It was coming from the north.  “It’s good we hurried back home, there’s a big storm coming Epona”  Epona whinnied as we kept walking deeper into the woods.  I turned my head to look in the direction the castle was.  Dark clouds were hovering around it, along with some bright yellow and orange sections around it.  “That must be quite a storm eh girl? We need to patch up that roof  over your little stable, I don’t want anything to happen to you” I said as I patted Epona’s head.

It was now around 8 pm, and night had settled in.  Soft rain began to fall over the forest.  I brought some wood to cover the leak on Epona’s stable.  I lead her inside the stable, where I had left some fresh apples and carrots for her food.  I closed the stable and locked it. “Sleep well Epona, I’ll see you bright and early in the morning.”  She nudged my shoulder and I kissed her nose.  I walked up the ladder to my home and walked inside.  I had lit a fire earlier, so it was now toasty warm.  I sat down on my mattress, I knew I was going to fall asleep soon.  I went to my stove to get an apple.  I was starving, all I had today was a slice of bread.  I slowly munched on the apple.  I started to think as I was chewing.  I tend to think about a lot of things, including my nightmares.  I have no idea why it’s the lost woods in particular.  I see a figure, running away from me, and me calling out to her.  Then these wooden things dancing around me, and stopping from running to the person.  The person might as well be my father, or mother.  I layed down on my mattress, and closed my eyes. I need sleep, today was a really long day.  Hopefully all my aches and pains will be gone by tomorrow.


       MIDNIGHT     -

I woke up stirring, something wet underneath me and something hot around me.  I opened my eyes and saw my house burning, I was laying on the ground.  Immediately I looked around, trying to find Epona.  I looked in her stable, the lock was broken, and the stable on fire too.  I slowly stood up, by whole body aching.  I looked around myself, and couldn’t find Epona.  “Epona! Epona!” I called around myself.  No response, nothing at all.  I turned around as I heard noises coming from the entrance to my property.  A huge, insect looking thing started to walk towards the spring.  I crept closer to the entrance, trying not to be seen, just close enough so I could see what was going on.  A huge bright light  shot out from the rocks around the spring, blinding my eyes I turned away for a few seconds until the light dimmed down.  When I turned my head back to look, a golden spirit was floating over the spring.  The black insect started creeping closer to the spirit.  A high pitched shreak suddenly sounded.  I instantly put my hands to my ears, but that did nothing.  I felt my brain go heavy, and my eyes go blury as I fell to the ground.


Okay chapter 3 is uploaded! i really want this sotry to be good so ctriticism is allowed haha :)

Can you guys guess what game this Zelda fanfic is based on? ;D

I'll give you a hint it starts with a T :P

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